Man, what a bunch of wise asses. It's a good thing I'm a wise ass myself. :ernae:
Looks like hardstands is the consensus here, and I also saw it used in an article about WWII to describe these kinds of parking areas, so hardstands it is. I do like Gorak better, though. :mixedsmi:
Well, now that I've got all this information I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. I was actually in the process of finishing up a complete re-do of the default Bremerton in FS9, including the addition of the hardstands. Then today I just happened to find a version of Bremerton done by Mark Smith in 2004. It completely blows away my version, as he had photos of all the buildings to work from. I'm just going to junk mine. Lesson learned....before starting work on an airport, check and see if it's already been done.

If I can contact Mark (his last upload seems to have been about four years ago), I'll ask his permission to just add the hardstands to his existing scenery.
Search the library for "Mark Smith" if you want to find his Bremerton scenery. He did a couple of other smaller airports too, including Valley View in Oregon that I also downloaded. The guy is GOOD. What a shame that he seems to have stopped doing scenery work.