What does X-plane 9 have?


Charter Member
As a MSFS user I was wondering if X-plane 9 have anything like missions as addons where the user could fly for a purpose, such as cargo/pax hauling, etc.?

BTW anybody here uses "Planemaker"? How user friendly is it to developing odels including virtual cockpits?

Sid, Plane Maker is probably somewhat easier as far as creating an aircraft in that what you design you can test fly however you cannot presently create a good VC without addonn software. There are some excellent aircraft for X-Plane 9.6 right now. There are a several new aircraft in X-Plane 10 and I must admit their is reason for some excitement over the new version. As cargo hauling will be possible. Many more features and A.I.

Here is a series of tutorials on Plane-Maker

Be careful posting over there they aren't the friendliest bunch I ever met!LOL