What Ever Happened

In 2012, I contacted one of the guys who was affiliated with Virtavia and he mentioned that the developer (Dave Hanvey) withdrew the project. I also understood that Dave Hanvey was in contact with Razbam then but afaik RAZBAM did not adopt the project.
In 2012, I contacted one of the guys who was affiliated with Virtavia and he mentioned that the developer (Dave Hanvey) withdrew the project. I also understood that Dave Hanvey was in contact with Razbam then but afaik RAZBAM did not adopt the project.

Figures... IMO a "Hanvey" SEPECAT Jaguar for FS would have been a winner. The proof is in the pudding, just look at his Sea Fury. A timeless classic plane for FS that has stayed the course.... and not to mention the number of additional repaints and multiple "packs" that have included Dave's FB11. A few years back I uploaded a couple of 'packages' for CFS2 that included the Hanvey Barry Sea Fury.

As far as the UKMIL version of the Jaguar, I would LOVE to have a go. I tried once to register at that site for the forums and a membership, but I never received a confirmation of acceptance from them. About 6 months later I tried again... same result. There's no joy in Mudville, I reckon. lol!!

Think you can also find the ukmil reworked Jaguar at Simviation, has a new afterburner effect too Mr Burnside.


So he got that far with it and withdrew it whats the point hate that Ill try to find the ukmil one I know they did one for FSX shame they dont support FS9 anymore.