News flash ,no I haven't found the missing airliner but,I sincerely hope all my problems will help someone else.Now as to my latest fiasco ,as for fsupic, I uninstalled fs9 AGAIN( I am either the worlds dumbest or am really into s&m,If you don't know what that is ,look it up, lets just say I'am obsessive)any way I uninstalled fs9 which this last time was from an older copy of fs9 ( tin box) and reinstalled from a later version( cardboard box). I found this version is already patched to ver 9.1 but I ran the patch install anyway to be safe.
I installed this time to a completely new and clean hd ,my e drive which has never been used up till this point. When I installed fsupic it once again gave a error message saying it found there was already a version of fsupic. This time I wised up and before deleting all the fsupic files from the modules folder ,I took a look at the install log.It said that it found ver.3.999z already installed.I looked through my backup cd's but couldn't find ver 3.999z they all had numbers after the z.So I have not tried to install fsupic again.Somehow even though this hd couldn't have had any files left over on it ,the disks them selves had fsupic v 3.999z on them.Impossibel ? Beats me, but all I know is no matter what I do both the fs9 cds ,(tin box,cardboard box) have fsupic v 3.999z already on them.
K, next as to the missing objects, I then installed both the programs that had missing stuff and ,you guessed it both the Bill Lyons Tripacer and the Robert Sanderson Sea Hurricanes were just fine. No missing carrier or buildings.Go figure. For some reason the older version of fs9 wouldn't recognize all the files in these programs.
I know this is very long but I truly hope my troubles will help someone else.