What happened to the buildings?


I just redinstalled The Piper Tripacer by Bill Lyons ,I have had this package in all my installs and it's one of my favorites ,but this time when I go to the flights there are no buildings.The flights always have a Tripacer sitting in front of a hanger but this time there's scenery but no hanger.I even found the Tripacer package again and downloaded it again in case something was wrong with the one I have on CD but still no buildings.Whats going on?
I wonder if this has to do with the fact that I can't install Fsupic.I made a post in Peter Dawsons FSPIC forums as to why when I try to install FSUPIC I get an error message saying there is already a version of FSUPIC installed when there wasn't.I have to into the modules folder and delete all FSUPIC files to get fs9 to work Haven't heard from Mr Dawson as of yet.
I tried to install Robert Sanderson's Sea Hurricanes but there is no carrier in Scapa Flow,just a Hurricane flopping around in the waterI wonder if this is all related somehow.
I wonder if this has to do with the fact that I can't install Fsupic.I made a post in Peter Dawsons FSPIC forums as to why when I try to install FSUPIC I get an error message saying there is already a version of FSUPIC installed when there wasn't.I have to into the modules folder and delete all FSUPIC files to get fs9 to work Haven't heard from Mr Dawson as of yet.
I tried to install Robert Sanderson's Sea Hurricanes but there is no carrier in Scapa Flow,just a Hurricane flopping around in the waterI wonder if this is all related somehow.
Ok, is there fsuipc.dll file in your modules folder? It should not do anything wrong with your flight sim install, but check which version you have (in file properties of fsuipc.dll), as sometimes some addons are not compactabile with it.
For Mr. Sanderson's Sea Hurricane you should probably activate scenery that was installed with plane and carrier shoud show up.
Sorry but i dont know why your scenery of Tripacer package is missing objects, perhaps you should try to install it to temporary folder and do manual install.
Bill Lyons had the habit of automatically placing his scenery files in the Addon Scenery/Scenery folder (assuming you unzip directly into FS, as per his instructions.) That way he didn't have to worry about novices screwing up the scenery installation, or failing to activate it, then bombarding him with e-mails complaining or asking for help.

You could unzip the package into a temporary folder, see what files are supposed to go into Addon Scenery/scenery, and if they aren't already there, put them in there. (And while you're at it, make sure everything that's supposed to go anywhere gets where it's supposed to go.)

Once everything is where it belongs, then I can't think of any reason why the scenery doesn't show up in the sim. I hope you aren't faced with that mystery!
Thanks for replying,I first got the error message after I did a fresh install of fs9,at first it let me get to the actual flight ( the default Cessna at Seattle)and when I clicked on the module option at the top of the screen the screen went black and I had to control+alt+delete to get out of fs9.The next time I tried to restart fs9 I got the error message and it wouldn't let me get any farther than the splash screen.I then went into the modules folder and deleted anything fsupic including the dll.After I did that I could then run fs9 as normal.
I repeated this with different versions and even uninstalled fs9 and reinstalled using different disks ,with the same results.
As far as the buildings not showing and the carrier not being there ,I tried a manual reinstall of both the Bill Lyons and Sanderson packages with the same result.Both are missing objects, hangers and some other buildings in most but not all of the Bill Lyons flights (Tripacer and some others that I installed after I made the first post) and the carriers in the only Sanderson program I have tried thus far.
These are from the same disks and (in the case of the Bill Lyons Tripacer)the one I had on cd and also a new download from Simvation that I have used before to install these.The bgl and bmp files are in the addon scenery but fs9 doesn't want to recognize them.
I used older fs9 disks( the metal box) and I think this has caused a problem.
News flash ,no I haven't found the missing airliner but,I sincerely hope all my problems will help someone else.Now as to my latest fiasco ,as for fsupic, I uninstalled fs9 AGAIN( I am either the worlds dumbest or am really into s&m,If you don't know what that is ,look it up, lets just say I'am obsessive)any way I uninstalled fs9 which this last time was from an older copy of fs9 ( tin box) and reinstalled from a later version( cardboard box). I found this version is already patched to ver 9.1 but I ran the patch install anyway to be safe.
I installed this time to a completely new and clean hd ,my e drive which has never been used up till this point. When I installed fsupic it once again gave a error message saying it found there was already a version of fsupic. This time I wised up and before deleting all the fsupic files from the modules folder ,I took a look at the install log.It said that it found ver.3.999z already installed.I looked through my backup cd's but couldn't find ver 3.999z they all had numbers after the z.So I have not tried to install fsupic again.Somehow even though this hd couldn't have had any files left over on it ,the disks them selves had fsupic v 3.999z on them.Impossibel ? Beats me, but all I know is no matter what I do both the fs9 cds ,(tin box,cardboard box) have fsupic v 3.999z already on them.
K, next as to the missing objects, I then installed both the programs that had missing stuff and ,you guessed it both the Bill Lyons Tripacer and the Robert Sanderson Sea Hurricanes were just fine. No missing carrier or buildings.Go figure. For some reason the older version of fs9 wouldn't recognize all the files in these programs.
I know this is very long but I truly hope my troubles will help someone else.
News flash ,no I haven't found the missing airliner but,I sincerely hope all my problems will help someone else.Now as to my latest fiasco ,as for fsupic, I uninstalled fs9 AGAIN( I am either the worlds dumbest or am really into s&m,If you don't know what that is ,look it up, lets just say I'am obsessive)any way I uninstalled fs9 which this last time was from an older copy of fs9 ( tin box) and reinstalled from a later version( cardboard box). I found this version is already patched to ver 9.1 but I ran the patch install anyway to be safe.
I installed this time to a completely new and clean hd ,my e drive which has never been used up till this point. When I installed fsupic it once again gave a error message saying it found there was already a version of fsupic. This time I wised up and before deleting all the fsupic files from the modules folder ,I took a look at the install log.It said that it found ver.3.999z already installed.I looked through my backup cd's but couldn't find ver 3.999z they all had numbers after the z.So I have not tried to install fsupic again.Somehow even though this hd couldn't have had any files left over on it ,the disks them selves had fsupic v 3.999z on them.Impossibel ? Beats me, but all I know is no matter what I do both the fs9 cds ,(tin box,cardboard box) have fsupic v 3.999z already on them.
K, next as to the missing objects, I then installed both the programs that had missing stuff and ,you guessed it both the Bill Lyons Tripacer and the Robert Sanderson Sea Hurricanes were just fine. No missing carrier or buildings.Go figure. For some reason the older version of fs9 wouldn't recognize all the files in these programs.
I know this is very long but I truly hope my troubles will help someone else.

Could this be a leftover in the registry from an older installation? Try a registry cleaner and have it fix the broken stuff!

Dummy me ,I never gave the registry a thought, that makes perfect sense ,although I always run CCleaner and AVG one step registry cleaner out of habit after I make any changes. In this case I ran both though not really thinking what I was doing.I never considered that fsupic was leaving entries in the registry. I guess both the registry cleaners I used aren't removing these entries.