What have I done now?


Charter Member
Since I haven't seen any other posts on the subject, I guess it's me.

The banner at the top of our site has disappeared and I cannot get enlargeable images to work. When I click on one, all I get is a box with "Next Previous" and "Close" targets. Everything else is fine. Images which do not need enlarging display ok, and except for the missing banner, the site looks normal.

I have made sure my cache is whistle clean, and this is all the more surprising since it happened quite suddenly.

Anyone got any ideas? I'm running win7 Home Premium and Firefox 16.0.2.

I'm not aware of any updates, since I don't allow automatics.

Any thoughts anyone??
I'm not running Firefox so I can't be for sure on this one, but it definitely sounds like a browser issue. I have experienced an oddity from time to time using IE, but within moments the problem rights itself and goes away. Are all of the other sites you visit displaying properly? Wish I had more to offer you...

Chrome 28 in W7 here and everything works fine. I also checked IE9 and it's fine there too.
I agree with a possible browser issue. Try Opera, Chrome or something. I had a similar problem with embedded videos and have to switch players sometimes. Could also be a blocker like Adblock you might have running. On occasion those will suddenly decide they've spotted something they don't like but try another browser first. If that fixes it you'll have to tweak FF or use an older version to get things right.
I had all kinds of browsing issues on my comp with FF and it's stripped down version Pale Moon. Ended up switching to Chrome as at least it works with this comp.
Based on the issues we have seen from time to time here is what I would do.

Reboot your DSL modem or Cable modem to get a new IP address.

Log out of SOH in your Browser.

Delete all of your cookies and temporary internet files. Keeping any of them might cause the problem to persist.

Disable the JAVA plugin from your browser (note Javascript is not the same as JAVA)

Got to your FF options under Privacy make sure Accept Cookies from sites is checked (you can uncheck 3rd party cookies if you like).

Under the Content tab make sure Load images automatically, and Enable JavaScript are checked.

Log back on and see what you get.

If you get the same thing there is still something wrong with your end.

Try a different browser and see what you get.
Thanks one and all. It is quite clearly something on my end, based on the fact that you folks aren't seeing problems.

Other sites like CalClassic, HJG, etc., are ok, so I will spray Roundup on all the likely weed beds and go from there.

Again, thanks for the replies.

UPDATE: Well, I found it. It was my adblocker as Aeromed2 suggested. Why suddenly it should take a disliking to parts of SOH, I don't know, but it is now disabled here, and we're back to normal.
It was last updated on July 30, and the troubles didn't start till August 3. It's odd, fixed, so we'll just shake our head and move on.