What is? Anti_aliasing


Charter Member
It is in the CFS3 Configuration. I looked up it on the Internet and found too many definitions that were over my head.

What is? 2 samples, 3 samples and 4 samples. None I can understand.

From experience I found the best place to get an answer is the SOH Forum.

Help is always appreciated
Antialiasing is a graphic effect that smoothes the frontier between different color zones on the screen (eg between an aircraft and the sky). The more samples the more time it needs to compute.
You should try different settings and monitor your FPS.

Hope it helps.
Thank You. Your explaination was exactly what I wanted. Now I can do a little experimenting.

I have two CFS3 loaded. The original and CFS3 MOD. I will try it in the CFS3 MOD before doing any adjustments in my ETO or MAW.
Basically it just sharpens an image, which can look slightly fuzzy when AA is turned off. If you have a high end card run a game with AA turned off then run the game with AA on the highest settings. You should see noticeably a sharper, clearer image.
Usually antialiasing is not set through config - for some reason its better to set it up with software controlling your video quality settings, rather than in cfs3.

Thanks Fellows

As usual. Come to SOH Forum and get the correct answers. These answers I can understand.