What is it with street lights

ian elliot

This is a post i made over at the Flightsim forum but as the SOH is my prefer'd forum, i'd ask here aswell

What is it with street lights

I can lose any other type of autogen using a veriaty of tools but if its on a road, your stuck with it, at the moment im making up a former east German military airfield complete with relief landing strip on a nearby autobahn, but losing the street furniture is a real headache, ive try'd ExcBuilder with no luck and used Ground2K4, setting up both a LUM and VTP2 ground poly around the area but still no luck, they will go if i bring the Autogen density slider back to normal but then i lose the autogen from the surrounding LC which i dont want, anyone have a vertual chainsaw.
cheers ian​
I recall a post over at Cal Classic. It was a long time ago and I am not a scenery guy.

If I recall correctly, Tom encountered this during one of his early retro makeovers for an airfield in the Los Angeles basin, maybe even LAX.

I don't want to attribute words to Tom that aren't his, but what I gathered from the thread was that you had to find where the "start" of the line of street lights is located and apply the exclude there.

So in effect that is saying that autogen street lights are a linear object like a fence line, and if the originating node of the the line isn't touched by the exclude that line stays put. Evidently these can be rather far flung from an airfield the street lights cross, and looking for the end node can gather storm clouds around an otherwise perfectly serviceable day. :)

I have no idea if that is even close to correct as I am just a casual student and reader of scenery posts, but if that is accurate then perhaps it may provide a clue to how to manipulate them.
