What is "OverFlandersFieldsPhase2Multiplayer.exe"?


Charter Member
There is a reference in a stickie ("How to Install OFF Phase 2 on XP. . . ") to an "optional" application entitled "OverFlandersFieldsPhase2Multiplayer.exe".

Is/was this a seperate application? Or is it incorporated in the multiple patches?

I don't recall seeing this when I installed OFF some time ago.

Those files are required to access the CFS3 server, which no-longer exists

The Boys of 60 Squadron

Some unorganized games as of late

Head to Head Dogfights On-line

I have it on my disc that I recieved when Phase 2 was released, but that disc only goes to V 1.4:ernae:
When it existed, it was the only one where you could play OFF.

I'm sure that in the event a replacement becomes viable, the file would become downloadable :ernae: