What is proper etiquette for freeware?


Charter Member
Hello friends,
I am building a Northrop Delta, single engine monoplane airliner in FSDS 3.5. This is a nice looking plane, similar to the Vultee and will have a fully clickable VC.

I do not know how to make my own gauges and will like to learn it the easy way, if one of you care to teach me. In the mean time I am copying gauges from FS9 default airplanes and some of Jens Kristensen's airplanes.

I do not want to step on anyones toes, so I would like to know what is the proper etiquette here. Can I borrow gauges from other people's freeware and release my freeware for the enjoyment of the general public? Or, should I stick to only gauges from the default FS9 airplanes? I expect borrowing gauges from payware aircraft is a big NO NO.

I would appreciate any helpful comments and please don't forget to write me about any relatively easy ways to design my own gauges!

Thanks gentlemen.
I don't know about designing but about using other peoples guages, generally don't do it unless you get permission from the original author. there should be someway to contact them in the read me files, send him an email and see what he says. Most designers are very obliging as long as you give them full credit for their work. What you could try in the meantime is set up the panel to use both default and third party gauges and say in the read me use this panel.cfg for the default or if you have these planes by whatever designer use this .cfg to get better gauges. Look at it like repaints, as long as you don't include the orignal model you're OK.
If you can contact the person that built the gauges that you would like to use, many of them will grant you permission to use their freeware gauges in other projects. There are some that won't, but the majority that I've dealt with will gladly help out a fellow developer.

Most of the time all it requires is a quick email to ask and listing the builder of the gauges in your README file to get the required permission to add some custom "goodies" to your plane. Doesn't hurt to ask. :)

That Delta sounds like a neat project! I don't think anyone has made one for FS9 yet. Looking forward to adding it to my hanger!
Mnay years ago I used to build panels and struck the same issue. As MoparMike & Clark say the solution is simply ask permission from the authors. I used to keep a list of gauges used in a panel, emailed the relevant designers with a polite request and and marked em off as the responses flowed in. Once I had all positive, credit the original authors in your readme and release the panel.
You'll find that most designers are wonderfully generous folks with a genuine interest in helping fellow fs enthusiasts. Surprisingly, even some payware developers are enthusiastic about assisting freeware guys with tutorials, how to's and the like.

Thank you all.

Thank you for your kind responses. Does anybody know how to get in touch with Jens Kristensen?
Thank you for your kind responses. Does anybody know how to get in touch with Jens Kristensen?

If you haven't downloaded the C-124 yet, it's a good time to do so. In the read me is Jens' address and his credits for the gauges he used which will give you a starting point (he used gauges and code from several people).

Thank you for your kind responses. Does anybody know how to get in touch with Jens Kristensen?

Rather than post his e-mail address for the spam-bots to crucify, just open one of his readme's of any recent release. He has included his email address in each one.

edit: Oops! Rob beat me to the punch.