What is the best set up for warbirds?

Richard Westcott

Charter Member 2011
I have been using FS9 a while, but up to now I have only been flying modern aircraft, I have only just started to fly WWII aircraft.

The question is what is the best set up for WWII aircraft, is it FS9 or CFS3?

I am not really into combat so FS9 would suit me better but is there a way of turn the clock back and making it more suitable for older aircraft, I know there are loads of scenery add ons for FS9 from the WWII era but you still end up flying over more modern airfields.

Is there a way of turning FS9 into a total WWII era environment, just in the UK and europe?

Thanks for your help!!
You'll want to make sure you have the sliders set to give you a good amount of gyro and torque, this will give you a good idea about flying hardcore fighters such as the Spitfire and P-51.