What is the current state of online play?



I may try this again but have several questions.

I see MAX's team speak mentioned often, what is the number for MAX's ts.

Is GameRanger becoming the primary choice now or still peer to peer by host posting IP?

Is ETO becoming the primary choice? If not why not?

Lately we have a lot of new faces online , due in thanks to, I believe, the Vista fix . The more the merrier . :welcome:
At present IP to IP is the main way of joining an online game , although a number of people do use Gameanger to play and host aswell .

There have been a lot of online missions with ETO , but for online dogfighting , the majority of players have the stock CFS3 with 3.1 and 3.1a updates to avoid mismatches. That said ,lately there have been quite a few 100% games using [add-on] NG/NG aircraft [coloured planes to help tell friend from foe].

I'm sure if you PM Maximus [ the rotten scoundrel ] I'm sure he'd be happy to to share his IP number.

Hope to see you in a game - one eye
Lately we have a lot of new faces online , due in thanks to, I believe, the Vista fix . The more the merrier . :welcome:

If someone is using the vista fix and able to join a MP game, is the host
hosting on vista or xp?
Is the fix for vista to vista mp games or vista to xp mp games?
Or is there such a thing as vista hosted games?

What are NG/NG aircraft?

NG/NG aircraft are add-on [down loaded] aircraft for CFS3 , there are 2 spits ,2 tempests, and 2 tybooms, one painted yellow the other painted green .In a 100% CFS3 team game there are no 'Tags' , no 'cone' , and no 'radar' so to tell friend from foe the allies would use the yellow planes and the axis would use the green planes .
Lately we have a lot of new faces online , due in thanks to, I believe, the Vista fix . The more the merrier . :welcome:

If someone is using the vista fix and able to join a MP game, is the host
hosting on vista or xp?
Is the fix for vista to vista mp games or vista to xp mp games?
Or is there such a thing as vista hosted games?

flyer , I don't know as I don't have [ and will never] have Vista . My understanding is that Vista [w/ the fix] will connect to an XP hosted game , but I don't know if a fixed Vista user has hosted an on-line game . I believe Deadmeat [or Grzz] may be able to answer this question for you however . Mr Meat you got your ears on ?
flyer , I don't know as I don't have [ and will never] have Vista . My understanding is that Vista [w/ the fix] will connect to an XP hosted game , but I don't know if a fixed Vista user has hosted an on-line game . I believe Deadmeat [or Grzz] may be able to answer this question for you however . Mr Meat you got your ears on ?

:kilroy:To all, the Vista fix discovered by Deadmeat1971 works for both Hosts and Guests with Vista to connect to both Vista and XP. Only those people with Vista as their OS need the fix. This fix works with ETO as well. One needs to consult Deadmeat1971's latest posts on this subject and follow his instructions exactly.

However, there is currently no obvious way to connect Vista-based CFS3 through the GameRanger setup.

GameRanger works just fine with XP-based CFS3. You don't need to use IP addresses with GR. Get it here and follow the instructions: www.gameranger.com.:d
:kilroy:To all, the Vista fix discovered by Deadmeat1971 works for both Hosts and Guests with Vista to connect to both Vista and XP. Only those people with Vista as their OS need the fix. This fix works with ETO as well. One needs to consult Deadmeat1971's latest posts on this subject and follow his instructions exactly.

However, there is currently no obvious way to connect Vista-based CFS3 through the Game Ranger setup.

GameRanger works just fine with XP-based CFS3. You don't need to use IP addresses with GR. Get it here and follow the instructions: www.gameranger.com.:d

The next generation of windows is soon to be released. Windows 7. I don't not know, but I would have to say Deadmeat's fix for vista will work for Windows 7 also.IMO.

Can a vista player with out the fix join a vista host that is without the fix.
I under stand that a xp player can not join a vista host unless the host has the fix and the same the other way.

Ty for your answer ONE-EYE & GRIZZ.
As soon as ETO 1.2 is released I will be hosting weekly missions again with team speak. I think there will be lots of opportunities for on line flying with both OFF and ETO.

I hope to join some of Tail Winds games and will be sure and host on a different night so I don't conflict with his hosting. I think we will really have some fun with 1.2.

flyer01 and ETO

flyer01 says:

"Can a vista player with out the fix join a vista host that is without the fix.
I under stand that a xp player can not join a vista host unless the host has the fix and the same the other way."

flyer01, all VISTA users need the fix. It won't work for VISTA to VISTA without the fix---I have tested this. XP users do not need any fix at all--the beauty of XP still!!:jump:

I have been playing and tweaking OFF Phase 3 for awhile (the reason why I haven't been on this side for awhile)..

However, I would very much like to see more of the ETO mission based server up more often.. As some of you know, I had played it briefly on that one night on my VISTA laptop... Pretty cool!

Take care.
flyer01 says:

"Can a vista player with out the fix join a vista host that is without the fix.
I under stand that a xp player can not join a vista host unless the host has the fix and the same the other way."

flyer01, all VISTA users need the fix. It won't work for VISTA to VISTA without the fix---I have tested this. XP users do not need any fix at all--the beauty of XP still!!:jump:

I have been playing and tweaking OFF Phase 3 for awhile (the reason why I haven't been on this side for awhile)..

However, I would very much like to see more of the ETO mission based server up more often.. As some of you know, I had played it briefly on that one night on my VISTA laptop... Pretty cool!

Take care.
Thank you for your testing on this. Good flying.
So whats the deal with ETO 1.2 ? And I would think onliners would want the best flight models available which I understand to be far better than stock - Aviation History. Any guess when 1.2 will come out?

So whats the deal with ETO 1.2 ? And I would think onliners would want the best flight models available which I understand to be far better than stock - Aviation History. Any guess when 1.2 will come out?

Tentative release date to the community is the first week of March.
