What is the ETO expansion Pack?



What is it, I can't seem to find an actual description online or in the forums, what does it do, how can it hurt/enhance my gaming expericience with CFS3 and where do I obtain it
Eto, pto, maw, ktcs, off-p2

Hello again Swimmer111

Here is a list of the expansions made for CFS3

ETO = European Theatre of Operation is a huge rework of the original CFS3, it has new scenery, new a/c's, new effects, new facilities (the english airfields were all rebuilt on the basis of the original drawings of the time) and the possibility to choose from 5 time eras in which to fly (from Spanish Civil War to the defeat of the Reich), at last the only thing that it still has in common with the stock CFS3 is the rendering motor practically all the rest was changed.

PTO = Pacific Theatre of Operation change completely the war scenario taking You to the Solomons Islands to the fightings between Allied and Japanese above the vast ocean.

This two expansions are downloadable from here http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?autocom=downloads&showcat=10 (just copy the link and paste it into the address bar of your browser) and both are to be upgraded toward fall/winter 2009.

MAW = Mediterranean Air War takes You to fight over the vastity of the North Africa's desert, during the Malta's siege, in the Balkans, in Southern Italy or over the Mediterranean in the convoy war.
Unfortunately it is an unfinished work, I mean that a phase 2 was WIP but was never released and that some feature are not as they would be but nevertheless it remains a milestone in the CFS3 expansions and it surely earn a try, Yiou can find it here http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=18693.

KTCS = Korean Theatre Construction Set give justice to an often forgotten conflict which cost so many lifes; You will feel the adrenaline of the first clashes between "modern" jet fighter, the epic duels Sabre vs MiG 15 or You will "move mud" riding on Skyraiders or Invaders

OFF-P2 = Over Flanders Fields - Phase 2
recreate the glorious atmosphere of the very first air combat of WW1 when the "sky knights" fougth seeing directly the face of their opponents and their planes were made only of wood and canvas.

These last two expansions are no longer available but probably KTCS at least will be re-released in a near future while OFF-P2 is gone as the developers made a Phase 3 which is not freeware but payware, however if You are interested in them I can burn a dvd with them and send it to You.

Hoping to have answered to your question

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"
Hi Swimmer,

Just to add to Cristiano's post.

OFF P2 is no longer available for download but people can still request a DVD be posted to them. (free) by visiting the OFF forum.


Although Cristiano has offered the same service for you, this was more for others who read this thread.

or you can buy the 3rd installment of OFF P3 Between Heaven and Hell for $29.99 US (a much, much improved version of P2).


ETO 1.2 as Cristiano says its a complete rebuild of the original game..

a couple of screensshots here.


regards Rob.
Hi Swimmer,

Just to add to Cristiano's post.

OFF P2 is no longer available for download but people can still request a DVD be posted to them. (free) by visiting the OFF forum.


Although Cristiano has offered the same service for you, this was more for others who read this thread.

or you can buy the 3rd installment of OFF P3 Between Heaven and Hell for $29.99 US (a much, much improved version of P2).


ETO 1.2 as Cristiano says its a complete rebuild of the original game..

a couple of screensshots here.


regards Rob.

Another addy to Cristianos post

:wavey:I think Ya can get Korea here. Not sure if it's latest update


Large file 85.3 MB

More Korean stuff here

bests, Len