What is unusual about this picture?


Staff member
And what is the explanation? I suspect this will be easy for the bunch that hangs out here, but it's something I just learned today. Interesting!
I'm curious as to why three Seafires have the US stars and bars on them! :dizzy:

Did the USN use Seafires or was this a trial of them to see they were feasible for US use?
I read a secondary explanation for this marking scheme was that French feelings were still running a little high over the RN's bombardment of the French naval base at Toulon in July 3, 1940. The Germans capitalized on this necessary bombardment for propaganda purposes and used the Vichy French government to do so. The Vichy French govt ran French Morocco and Algeria where the Torch landings were to occur. It was felt by the Anglo-American leadership for the landings the French defending the landing areas would have less likelihood of firing on British aircraft from the ground - or fighting them in the air - if ALL aircraft involved in the landings used US insignia. There was no animosity against the Americans among the French at this time.

I know there were minor instances of the French resisting the American landings at isolated spots, however, that happened because the French units involved felt honor demanded they at least make a show of resistance. It was not motivated by specific nationalistic animosity against America or American units.

The image above was taken from this You Tube video, which is an excellent series, by the way. At time around index 25:00 the guy narrating explains this as an attempt to fool the Vichi French during Operation Torch, because of the destruction of the French fleet a couple years earlier. At time 37:00 there is even footage of sailor applying the paint on one of the Seafires. I wonder what was going through his mind..!