What is your favorite aircraft in CFS3 ?


Charter Member
What are your favorite aircraft in CFS3 ? You can list more than one if need be. Mine are the La-5 ,La-9,Hellcat and the P-51 series.
FW 190 (AV history version ) Me 262 and P 47 d25. Hurricane mk I also handles awesomely. Spitifire mk IX Ai is terrible - seems more a UFO rather than a fighter plane.
I also like Luft 46 "whatif" planes.
Hi All,

My all time favourite WWII aircraft and CFS3 aircraft is the Hawker Typhoon MkIb (Late model, with bubble top canopy).

regards Rob.
CFS3 has erased my ability to truly have a favorite aircraft, I find them all so interesting and unique. That said, the MAW/ETO Bf 109E series is such a joy to fly, even though I'm usually flying against it I can't help but love it.

There was a time this question would provoke a roar of approval for the P-55A, lol. Well, from one person anyway - can't remember his name right now!
There was a time this question would provoke a roar of approval for the P-55A, lol. Well, from one person anyway - can't remember his name right now!

LOL, Tom I believe that was a young bloke called "Awesome" hmm thats going back a whiles...

I know who that P-55 aficionado was I am quite sure he thought of himself as quite "Awesome", but he went by the name name of agentalpha. Did a lot of online flying.
I remember that too! A big argument started. This is just for fun. I like to see what people are interested in and really try them out in CFS3. Gotta say the new Me-163 and the new Spitfire VII/VIII are really great.
I know who that P-55 aficionado was I am quite sure he thought of himself as quite "Awesome", but he went by the name name of agentalpha. Did a lot of online flying.

I'm glad you cleared the air on that.:biggrin-new: That guy was hardcore.

My favorite has always been the P-55 too (even with all of it's flaws), but I won't hold it against anyone if they don't.:mixed-smiley-010:
There are so many good aircraft it's hard to say which ones are my favorite. All i can say is a big thank you to all the people for making CFS3 so much fun. With all that's out there CFS3 is still my go to combat flight sim. Going to install PTO-RS tomorrow . Then i'll have all expansions available for now including some custom installs.( have 9 total ).
WOW Gecko, that first screenshot is superb!

My picks are the He.219 and the G.55, when technology meets art IMHO.
I know who that P-55 aficionado was I am quite sure he thought of himself as quite "Awesome", but he went by the name name of agentalpha. Did a lot of online flying.

Thanks Kasey, now that you mention it, I do remember him, was quite a character..

regards Rob.
Like all the night fighters especially the He-219 series and looking forward to the P-61 Black Widow wip. Can't wait to see a true working radar in the future .