What keys create still images and pan around outside a/c ?


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CFS3 ETO (1.5 I think)...
(not sure whats being accessed at the mo, running it from CSF3.exe within ETO folder), I can see a whitley so maybe I am in ETO.

I have looked through the two paper items (the booklet and keyboard commands) that come with the CFS3 dvd case, nothing at all about the following.

How does one capture still images from the sim, and what folder do they go to ?
Can that folder be altered ?

How does one pause the sim then pan around outside the cockpit and zoom in/out to compose the shot ?

I am running 1920x1200 but see non anti aliased zagged edges , albeit finer than the default coarse resolution. It needs anti-aliasing. Where is the control to smooth edges, I see hardly any display settings and those I have are maxed at 5.

I also cant see the full aircraft text, just see Spitfire... same text one above the other etc, no way of widening the column. Hover then a sqdn appears in the floating hint.

Z = Toggles on/off Flight info, upper left-hand corner of screen
M = Toggles Map on/off
Shift + T = Toggles TAC screen on/off
T = Cycles throuh TAC screen types
Shift + D = Toggles text lines, in top center of screen on/off
Ctrl + Shift + L = Toggles ID Labels on/off
Ctrl + Shift + I = Toggles Toggles Targetting Cone and Brackets on/off
I = Toggles Targetting Cone on/off
P + Pause
F1 = Aircraft Help
F2 = Combat Flight Simulator 3 Help
F3 = Toggles inside/outside cockpit view
F4 = Cycles through Spot View, Chase View, Player/Target View, Virtual Cockpit View
F4 + Ctrl + Shift = Target/Player View (need to be in PlayerTarget View first)
F5 = Toggles HUD on/off
F6 = Cycles Pilot Views
F7 - Toggles Bombsight View on/off
F8 = Cycles through Gunstations
F9 = Toggles Bomb/Rocket View on/off
[ = Zoom in
] = Zoom out
~ = Padlock View
Ctrl + ; = Takes pic (pic will be a *.bmp file in the proper CFS3 folder in My Documents folder)
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Look in th eknowledgebase sticky for some further keyboard hints like how to change labels. In cfsconfig.exe you can also turn off target cone and perhaps other display features as ell.

Grizz, isn't it "ctrl + ;" ? for the screenshot?


Also there should be a downloadable keyboard map here at SOH in the cfs3 section of the Warbirds library. - there used to be a number of web sites that had a map of all the keystrokes for CFS3. If there isn't I'll upload one (fuzzy brain allowing prompts/reminders allowed).

just hit "P" if you want to pause to compose a shot before taking the screenie, however I think you have to "unpause" when actually taking the screenshot. you can use the keys with the square brackets to zoom in/out to compose the shot and the hat key on your joystick to rotate around the view depending upon which view you are in.

There is a downloadable SDK showing you how the viewui.xml file (found under your appdata pathway) works to control aspects of each view. You can then progress to editing the various views (like spot view, chase view) so you can zoom further in or zoom further out, change the rate of zoom, change the viewpoint above ground for say the target/player view (always a favorite for screenies).

You just need to spend a bit of time getting familiar with the sdk and the nomenclature within the viewui.xml file.

once you have all the new eye candy features installed like Ankor's shaders, you will be wanting to take shots all the time....
[Grizz, isn't it "ctrl + ;" ? for the screenshot?[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is. I stand corrected.

Also changed in my above post.


Also, when outside the aircraft the number keys on the number pad on right end of your keyboard can be used to pan around on some outside views.

You don't necessarily have to "unpause" to take the shot. Just make sure the words in red, "SIMULATION PAUSED", aren't showing at the instant you take the pic.
When I use "ctrl + ;" ? for the screenshot and try posting them using the insert image kee I always end up with two images posted is there a way arround this?