What more do I need to do?



I thought there was a sticky above telling you all that you need to do to set this game up correctly and get the best FPS. If so I am blind.

I remembered to update the game to 3.1 patch

and did the following that I picked up by a post from RedWolf in OFF forum.

Do I need to do anything else?

I do have trackir4, anything special to do. I don't have OFF installed on my current machine.

Quoted from doublestop who also got it elsewhere from an old CFS3 tweaks post:

"In the overrides section clear the tick in the 'Dual Pass Render' box and tick the 'High Resolution Z-buffer' box immediately below it. Also tick the following:

Disable Write-Only Vertex Buffers
Disable Write-Only Index Buffers
Disable Terrain Texture Ring Blend

To disable messages such as whether you've hit your enemy and warnings such as 'Stall' tick the boxes for Disable Chat, Disable Advisor Messages and Disable Simulation Warnings.

Now click on 'Window' at the top of the page again and this time click on 'Texture Info' and set the following:

Composite Terrain Texture Pool - set to Managed
Composite Terrain Texture Usage - set to Rendertarget
Composite Aircraft Texture Pool - set to Managed
Composite Aircraft Texture Usage - set to Rendertarget
Vertex Buffer Pool - set to Managed
Index Buffer Pool - leave as is - should be set to Default
Fullscreen Swap Effect - set to Flip
Now click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen.
Next click on 'File' and choose 'Exit' - do not use the X close button as this will lose the settings you have just made.

Hopefully you will see some improvement with these settings.

From within your CFS3 (program files/microsoft games/...) folder open the 'Default' folder and then open the file 'cfs3.xml'. Look for MaxFPS="0" and change the value from '0' to something like '25' or '30'. This will help to smooth out the stutters too."