Charter Member
First off i love the entire CFS3 series of expansions,(been playing since day one). Been CFS series fan since CFS1 and been into fight sims starting with SWoL. Have almost all the CFS3 expansions, (except for RS),and some custom CFS3 installs, Falcon 4.0 BMS, Free Falcon 6, Lock On and Il-2 '46 also. Currently into Il-2 '46,(game fully updated,Modact and VP modpack installed).CFS3 is great but Il-2 '46,with it's over 500 aircraft and great game play,(improved ai,fm,graphics,cockpits and more), makes for a great competitor. Still CFS3 is top dog for WW II and Korea ,if only that i have key commands memorized and can survive dogfights and missions.Also CFS3 has many expansions to explore.Still haven't installed Rising Sun but will soon. I do wish for a Eastern Front expansion.....Maybe in the future. My two CFS3 BoB installs are what i'm really into now. Can't wait for Pat's BoB update! What combat flight sims are you into other than the great CFS3 series ?