What other combat flight sims are you into ?


Charter Member
First off i love the entire CFS3 series of expansions,(been playing since day one). Been CFS series fan since CFS1 and been into fight sims starting with SWoL. Have almost all the CFS3 expansions, (except for RS),and some custom CFS3 installs, Falcon 4.0 BMS, Free Falcon 6, Lock On and Il-2 '46 also. Currently into Il-2 '46,(game fully updated,Modact and VP modpack installed).CFS3 is great but Il-2 '46,with it's over 500 aircraft and great game play,(improved ai,fm,graphics,cockpits and more), makes for a great competitor. Still CFS3 is top dog for WW II and Korea ,if only that i have key commands memorized and can survive dogfights and missions.Also CFS3 has many expansions to explore.Still haven't installed Rising Sun but will soon. I do wish for a Eastern Front expansion.....Maybe in the future. My two CFS3 BoB installs are what i'm really into now. Can't wait for Pat's BoB update! What combat flight sims are you into other than the great CFS3 series ?
Il2 1946, SF2 E, sfg, WOE, First Eagles 1. These are the other main combat flight Sims I play but I still play Bob: WoV2, SDOE, cfs2, eaw and rb3d from time to time. Fs 2004 when I have the urge to fly airliners peacefully around.
Fighter Squadron - The Screamin' Demons Over Europe (FS-SDOE or just SDOE) was my main hobby for ten years and I use CFS2 to re-fight the Falklands War, but for me, the gold standard is still Digital Integration's 1993 masterpiece, Tornado.
Falcon 4.0 , with either Free Falcon 6,(no copy of falcon 4 needed), or Falcon 4.0 BMS, (original game needed) , are fantastic combat fight sims. On par with LOMAC- (modded/updated). Extremely good sims that are free to little money.Any questions you can pm me. Lock-on is still one of my favorites. Don't forget about Third Wire's Strike Fighter series too. They are great to and can be had for fairly cheap. Hope this helps.
Digital Combat Simulator (dcs-world.com) is the evolution of LOMAC, and it's individual aircraft modules are the best combat simulators ever imho.
You're right. The Flaming Cliffs series are fantastic. DCS World modules are highly rated but i don't have any of them yet. Can't go wrong with DCS Flaming Cliffs 3,(doesn't require LOMAC to be installed).
Falcon 4.0 , with either Free Falcon 6,(no copy of falcon 4 needed), or Falcon 4.0 BMS, (original game needed) , are fantastic combat fight sims. On par with LOMAC- (modded/updated). Extremely good sims that are free to little money.Any questions you can pm me. Lock-on is still one of my favorites. Don't forget about Third Wire's Strike Fighter series too. They are great to and can be had for fairly cheap. Hope this helps.

With BMS3.3U1 you in fact to install the original while 3.33 you only needed to show the CD .exe to the install pog. Very hard learning curve! ( At least if you're not a real pilot or a big FSX flier)
Now mainly Woff3, MAW and ROF. I have deleted Bos and Clod on my SSD, recently
Do have lots of combat fly sims, like RB3d, IL2-1946 and lots of WW1 flysims.
Really only SF2. I can't see why anyone would want to adapt CFS3 to post-1950 conflicts when SF2 does it all, and does it rather well.

Yes I have to agree wnth ndicki about sf2 but having said that I have ended up adding Korean era jets into cfs3 and loads of ww2 aircraft into sf2. So now it's a case of which flippin' Sim am I gonna play?? Spoilt for choice!!!
I admit I've done a few skins and things for WW2 SF2, but in the end, it doesn't live up to expectations. Start with engine management which is too simplistic; it's correct for jets, but not for props.

And a few Luftwaffe skins for Monty CZ's S-99

I'm not even sure whether they all got uploaded!
There is a shed load of your Spitfire skins up at combat ace. I think all for the sf2I expansion pack which I haven't got darn it!
Like to keep the other flight sims as close to stock as i can other than the latest updates. CFS3 and Il-2 '46 being the exceptions. Can't help but modding these two.
Yes! I'm a modding madman where normal is regular crash-landings to desktop! :playful::tongue::gameoff:------:kilroy:-----doh!
Wonderful pics, ndicki. Now will start my SF2/FE collection. Those pics have got me motivated to have the entire SF2 series!!