What Season?


Charter Member 2011
Flight Simulator has recently stepped into the next season, and the northern hemisphere has some interesting autumn colours.
Down south, spring is sprung, and the lighting is a little brighter for screenshots.

What season do you prefer to fly in?

I tend to let the sim decide, and generally use RW weather too.
It just doesn't feel "right" to fly in a snow blizzard, when outside the sun is beating down...
I fly in Alaska, Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest, so I go with the northern seasons as they happen.

I agree about the autumn colours .... they're stunning.

I love challenging Flights (on FS) I love Winter Wonderland to Stormy Weather to Major Thunderstorms to Heavy Snows to Gray and Rainy Weather. I just love it. I would not fly on real flight on these weather though.... :bump:

When I was starting FS I woudn't fly night time, I would always fly day and clear skies. Now, I am challenged. Maybe part of growing up? :icon_lol:
Current season and real weather for pleasure flying, although I usually switch to daytime so that I can enjoy the scenery. For testing, I just go with the default "Fair Weather" theme since there's no wind at ground level. The only problem with that is when you start somewhere like KGCN, the first layer of clouds is at ground level!
Flight Simulator has recently stepped into the next season, and the northern hemisphere has some interesting autumn colours.
Down south, spring is sprung, and the lighting is a little brighter for screenshots.

What season do you prefer to fly in?

I tend to let the sim decide, and generally use RW weather too.
It just doesn't feel "right" to fly in a snow blizzard, when outside the sun is beating down...

I prefer Summer....maybe because I live in Northern Illinois and the winters are fairly overcast, cold, and gray and seem to last forever !:icon_lol:
I go with what the sim has to offer in regard to season. Usually use FSMetars to dial up real weather patterns.

Autumn in FS9 is STUNNING, especially in Golden Wings.....I may never fly the normal version of FS9 again.
