What the Heck are these?


Charter Member
Hello all,

Ok, I was tweaking my Intel G33 chipset video card in CFS3 last night.

I wanted to get rid of these psychadelic colors in my landscape (see my thread: What I saw in my Heinkel 111)

I slid the terrain down to 2 and the scenery to 4 and somehow these white , nondescript buildings or whatever began spawning and popping up all over the landscape.

Anybody knows why this is happening or whats causing it?
They're autogen trees not being rendered properly, I used to get these if I turned up the graphics too high on my old onboard vid card.

Have you run your cfs config file recently and made sure the dual pass render is checked and not the one above it (Z something or other).
But hey, that's an excellent opportunity to study the construction of those autegen trees. I 've trying to build a few 3D trees for the ACC's airfields but it is pretty difficult to make a convincing one that doesn't stand out too much among it's autogen brethren...

Is it possible to get a screenie that shows them a little clearer?
I think Pat's on the right track - try unchecking dual pass render in the config, check high resolution z buffer. Its an anomaly that can be 'tuned out'.

Another thing, if you have an Nvidia card, make sure that fog table emulation is enabled. This will get rid of white artifacts in the terrain.

Thanks I'll try them out.

I would like everyone to check my thread : What I saw in my Heinkel 111 to help me solve those rainbow effects on the scenery.
I checked the Dual Pass Render and it says Dualpassrender=y

I'm no expert on CFS3 or its Configurations, I'm a bit of a: If its not broke don't fix it guy.

Well I'll give t another go to see if my graphics card has anything to do with it. Maybe it needs an update or something.

This is the closest screenie I can show you without hitting the ground at 300mph.

Its a bit hard to work the camera going so fast.

At least for this flyboy...
Hi autothrottle,
in the past most computers ran cfs3 better with dual pass render turned off (ie untick the box). No harm in trying it. Turning off dual pass render was one of the "top 10 tuning tips" for cfs3, on the microsoft games insider website.

As far as the fog table emulation goes, Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 842952 describes the white features in cfs3 that may occur if fog table emulation is disabled on your video card.

Will this fog emulation affect the game in any negative ways?

CFS3 is known to glitch in unique circumstances....
Okay, I tried playing around with my Video Card last night. With mixed results. I think I would rather have faster Graphics than sharp Quality.

I set some of the Display options to 1 and got better results and faster graphics and speed was increased too.

Here are some better shots sans the trees....

BTW: Whoever did the skin for the Fw-190D-9, I love it. Now maybe the Flak gunners will notice me overhead for once :jump:

Thanks for the Aircraft Grizzly
Hi autothrottle,
I forgot to mention - in order to get check whether the fog table emulation is enabled, I had to install Rivatuner (a freeware bit of tuning software). Other tuning software may get to it too..

Check out the tuning tips I referred to on the games insider website (just google it). I think there are some other basic setup things which could help you. Multi coloured artifacts appear when your vid card is struggling with your settings.

One thing I have found is the game looks/works better at higher screen resolution and lower slider settings. Ie the highest resolution possible for your video card/monitor. If you have an LCD monitor set the games resolution to the resolution of your monitor.

Then try different slider settings in cfsconfig. One thing is to set clouds at one (because it frees up the video card and even on 1 the clouds look good). You can sacrifice scenery/terrain so that you can set aircraft to 4 or 5 (of you like looking at the eye candy).

You might want to check whether you are using the high resolution or low resolution skins in ETO. the high res 2048 skins suck up a lot of vid card's processing power.

Are you using the z key to check frame rates as you experiment?

Good luck with the tweaks - it never ends you know :icon_lol:
The Z key happens to be my best friend in the sim!

I use it for everything from altitude checks to airspeed.

I'll take up that offer on the eye candy for the aircraft. I have a sweet tooth for things like that!:jump:

This is the closest screenie I can show you without hitting the ground at 300mph.

Its a bit hard to work the camera going so fast.

At least for this flyboy...

Thanks for that!!
But if your problems aren't solved to your liking yet, I 'd love a screenie showing the horizontal planes in the model (a screenie showing the trees more from above than from the side). I know how they did the vertical planes But I am curious how they did the rest. The trees don't look like six intersecting vertical planes from above... Good luck with your V-card stuff - I hope you get things sorted!!
Frosty, thanks for the advice.

The white trees however are only seen from that side angle. Unfortunately I saw them from above and they seem to vanish in the landscape.

They look more like white , very slim crossroads from above, the side view is the only good view to see them spawn.

Maybe the scenery settings will allow me to get more aircraft in over super deatiled scenery:jump:
Tweaked my scenery settings a bit more, and those white squares are all gone now.

I'll keep sliding the settings a bit more to see whatever results I come up with.