What to do

gray eagle

I just installed P3D V4.5 and every time I load I get this message and have to unload it a few times.

Is this scenery worth it or how can I stop this load error msg? I would of thought the scenery would of installed on its own.

Have you just installed P3Dv4.5 or have you added stuff already? Did you edit your scenery.cfg file in the app data?

if you just want to get rid of this message, delete the scenery.cfg file from your app data. just remember that you'll lose every addon scenery you've installed in the meantime.

Have you just installed P3Dv4.5 or have you added stuff already? Did you edit your scenery.cfg file in the app data?

if you just want to get rid of this message, delete the scenery.cfg file from your app data. just remember that you'll lose every addon scenery you've installed in the meantime.


Actually it was looking on my "P" where P3D V3.4 is located. How that got mixed up I don't know.

In the P3D 4.5 scenery cfg at the bottom:

[MAIW Global Libraries Custom Objects]
[MAIW Global Libraries Generic Objects]
[MAIW Global Libraries Waypoints]

So I will just delete that.

Edit: I removed the entries/saved it and is still looking for those sceneries.

C:\Users\your user name on the computer\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4


C:\Users\your user name on the computer\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4


I found that where you stated, I edited the file and deleted the erroneous info and when I load P3d it still asks the yes/no unload question.

I am currently doing a repair of the scenery part. If I delete the scenery.cfg file, it makes a new one with the errors on it. Go figure, Some weird voodoo stuff. :dizzy:

And I just installed it for the 1st time today,

I haven't added any scenery. Just what ever comes with 4.5

There isn't and P: New folder on my P drive so that is bogus. My scenery is still rebuilding and I will see if that fixes things.
Its all good now

I repaired my scenery client and it would load a psudo addon.xml that would put a yes/no on the P3D splash screen why, I don't know, every time I deleted it, another one was created. I

did a reinstall of just the scenery client and then after the splash screen loaded it would always rebuild a data base scenery before going directly to the next screen like my P3D V3.4 does.

I shut down my rig, came back later an powered up and now after the splash screen loads it directly goes to the next screen without any scenery data base builds. - I can understand that

when I've added scenery. For whatever reason V4.5 saw something on my P drive where my P3D V3.4 is and wanted to know if I wanted to load a new folder (didn't exist)

Now on to other things.
Don't grill me for this stupid question, but sometimes we do some careless mistakes and we disregard even if we have a look at...

Are those MAIW military objects still added and/or enabled inside the P3D scenery library menu? Please have a look at after starting the sim.
I remember I had a similar problem for any reason and as long as I did not delete this scenery inside this P3D scenery library, the sim was mad.
Just a thought to maybe have a look at this...
Don't grill me for this stupid question, but sometimes we do some careless mistakes and we disregard even if we have a look at...

Are those MAIW military objects still added and/or enabled inside the P3D scenery library menu? Please have a look at after starting the sim.
I remember I had a similar problem for any reason and as long as I did not delete this scenery inside this P3D scenery library, the sim was mad.
Just a thought to maybe have a look at this...

I had the scenery on another drive for another version of P3D - somehow, something got scrambled up during the initial P3D V4.5 installation. I had
a heck of a time trying to fix that but it looks like all is sorted.
gray eagle, had the same when upgrading from 4.2 to 4.5 and keeping my Matrix folders the same. I found that I had double folders and that caused many issues with missing textures, of course those textures would show fine when I searched to verify installation. Turns out the ghost folders were the bandits!