I'm a little bit late to the party. Just discovered your recently-released scenery and I am very impressed with it.
If I understand correctly, you are looking for suggestions regarding the various elements that we (simmers) are looking for in a scenery, right ?
From my point of view, the scenery you have released recently pretty much nailed it, honestly.
I will nevertheless try to compile a small list of criteria which, in my eyes, are especially important in general for sceneries:
1- A good photoscenery for the round. On flightsim.to we othen see some nice sceneries placed over fake unified greeen ground. I believe it is important to get accurate ground imagery underneath a scenery/airport/airfield etc... This is especially true for military airfields, which are often blurred out in Bing Maps.
2- Custom buildings: you did that already. Some airfields/scenery can be recognized easily because this or that building is so typical. Please continue to model custom buildings or other custom details to make a scenery more accurate.
3- Parking spots and hangars: Hangars are cool. Parking spots inside open hangars are double-cool
Would be nice if a few open hangars would be present on your sceneries. They don't need to be animated. Open 24/7 is good enough
4- Vegetation: an accurate vegetation is sometimes important for the "consistency" of the scenery. Nothing is worse than seeing a bunch of trees on the ground imagery, without any actual 3D autogen trees on it. Same goes for trees which are out of shape or out of place.
5- Obstacles: airfields/airports often have various obstacles that have great influence on their outlooks. I'm thinking about artificial walls (made out of mud/sandbags or such), or other things that prevent a plane from rolling straight through the place. This is also an important part of the visual signature of an airplace I think.
That's all I have in mind right now.