What would your Fighter Pilot Name Be ?



Hey everybody !

In addition to the 'Question of The Day' competition that we're running over at Twitter, we're also asking followers what their Fighter Pilot name would be and there are some great prizes to be won !

Go check out http://twitter.com/IL2BirdsOfPrey and tell us your fighter pilot by replying to us and using the hash tag #FighterPilotName. Why not also share it on here with other members ? But I'm afraid you can only win prizes for posting your response on twitter !

Good Luck :)

Hmmmm.... SBD Driver? :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I'm going to run and hide now. :kilroy:

During my online days I picked up the nickname "Lt. Merge". Seems on several occasions I lost my positional awareness and... it only happened two or three times, unfortunately those times were in the heat of battle and likely resulted in a negative outcome.