Whatever happened to 'Wingsware'?

As far as I know they have folded up shop. A pity as they had previews of a B-58 and B-47 that looked really good.

As far as the XB-70 goes, the VC is very good, but they modeled the canards as fully movable elevators. In reality they only moved a little for trim (as well as having flaps to assist with landing trim). I also question the flight model as it seems far too sporty - it's fun to fly though. Overall I think Alphasim's version is more accurate, with the exception of the VC.
Many thanks for taking the time to reply, it's a shame (as I expected) that they've folded. I have the freeware XB70 and the AlphaSim variant, I just wanted to be a completist about it.

Kind regards and thanks again
