What's Changed in the Add-On Library



How come when I try to download something from the library I can't use the 'Save Target As' option. The file just completely opens right infront of you. :help:

I know you can just extract the files, but I prefer the old fashioned way better. I hope it's not just me.:faint:
This sounds more like a browser issue. What browser are you using? Did you update it recently?

Not sure if my browser' got much to do with it, I can still do everything else over the internet. With regards to the 'Right Click' of the mouse of course.
There's definitely a problem with your system somewhere - Helldiver had it happen to him one time...And I've had it happen before also with a previous system..
I have the same problem. Ever since the SP3 update, there is no way to return to choosing where your automatic downloads go, if you accidently deticked the "ask where to download to" or whatever it was. It could be restored in SP2, but was removed in SP3. :frown: It's a real pain in the arse now at sites like SOH that use a second window to access the library.

I let it download, then drag and drop to the folder where I save it. Requieres you to open that folder.

OT... Where did the "head bang" smilie go?????????