What's the problem with CFS3?



I've done everything I can to keep this thing from freezing. I've followed all the instructions on the tips & tweaks, I did everything that you guys suggested as individual fixes and this thing still freezes in the middle of combat.

This is a very, very old game and any of the new video cards and drivers should not be an issue, in fact no new hardware should be an issue.

Does anyone know for sure, I mean "for sure", how to fix this problem? I'm tired of guess work. Any good help will be appreciated.

Thanks guys.
Heh you sound as frustrated as me. I have been fighting screen flicker issues and hesitation for over a year now. Thought it was my ATI card but just did a complete rebuild with new card and even now a different CPU and memory mainboard and a different monitor and I still have the same issue.

I basically don't fly online dog fighting any more because of it. I have tried all of the "fixes" suggested and nothing has worked.

I am now just spending my time with the occasional mission build and testing for ETO. I have never been able to get this to run smoothly and I have no more patience for it.

Good luck with it

BTW FSX (Which is a huge resource hog) flies like a dream on ultra high everything settings on the same hardware. Too bad it's boring as hell to fly it. I would give anything to have FSX flight model and graphics in CFS

Sorry to report there is no magic pill or solution for stuttering/freezing. Each computer configuration is different and requires trying and testing what works on your machine.

Generally increasing virtual memory, trying different preload.xmls and different settings in the cfs3config.exe all have an impact. Changing slider settings and setting your applications to performance in control panel> systems>advanced>performance>visual effects may help in your case.

CFS3 is what it is and i haven't found anything to replace it yet.
try to fly in no spawn mode because sometimes, spawns may cause trouble.. If you still have such problems then I don't know.
Thanks for your replies. As is mentioned, I have tried all the fixes suggested and nothing helps. I visited the CFS2 forum and it seems that CFS2 doesn't suffer from these problems. I just think that CFS3 is poor software. I have the feeling that the MS developers didn't complete the job before MS killed this simulator and sold it as is.

I have all the versions of Flight Simulator and I have no issues with any of them. I race NASCAR2003, Live For Speed and GTR2 online with no problems whatever, but this old and archaic piece of convoluted algorithms that someone calls "software" is more than my Engineering degree can handle.

I'm gonna buy a copy of CFS2 and I'll report back later.

I agree with you, Tailwind, in all you said, but if you want to fly FSX online you may want to try http://www.ivao.aero which is a free network. It doesn't support combat simulations but it's great for commercial flights with over 80,000 members. It also provides live air traffic control if you entertain that.

Thanks all for your input.