whats wrong with REGs Hurricanes?


I now see you can download all Regs Hurricanes,BUT I have tried four of the Hurris and the only one that doesn't freeze up the sim at the start screen and works ok is MkIIC JXH.
The US Hurri,and the blue PR Hurri worked the first time I started CFS3 ,but then would freeze up the start screen.The white Sea hurri froze the screen before the sim ever showed anything else
I replaced the XPD files for the blue PR ,and Sea hurri and ran the bdp Nuker before starting the sim(the U.S. Hurri had no replacement file).
Why does JXH work fine but none of the other's?
At least I have a working Hurribomber,along with the Skyunlimited Hurris and the MKI in night fighter scheme from this site. Thanks
I suppose you have checked all that, but sounds to me like missing pylons (DR pylons) or weapons.........

wrong sound file (alias in the cfg pointing to a non-existing folder)
mmhh....I remember, that the mos file could somehow spoil a model (you could take it out to check...)

..I haven't installed them yet
If other people install them without problems , then maybe it's my sim,but as I said JXH works fine and I like everyone else I got it at the same place.
I've installed a lot of other planes from REG's site with no problems but the Hurris don't want to cooperate.
What are you trying to get them into. CFS3 or ETO?
Another thought.

Try coping a sound file from one of the default planes into a Hurricane and see if it will work. Make sure you backup the orginal Hurricane sound file first.
The only other thing it could be is you don't have the Hurricanes weapons files installed correctly.
Installing into CF3

I'am installing into CFS3 not MAW.I can't think that installing the weapons files are wrong,since these are shared files and Hurrri JXH works fine.
Also why would my sound files in the Hurris that don't work be any different from the others?If that were the case everyone would be having trouble since we all get them from the same place.Reg's?

I tired the White Sea Hurri again, thought it might be because I didn't delete the lowres textures ,so I did that ,got the sim to run ,flew the SeaHurri once tried the bombs and droptanks a dozen times everything worked great, until I shut down the sim and restarted it ,then it froze at the start screen again.
Had to go through deleting the plane ,restarting the sim,flying another plane to get rid of the "mission failed" error message, then all was ok.
I tired swapping sound files too ,so I give up messing with the damn things,I still have one of Reg's Hurris JXH ,and will be happy with that cause I'am not going through this again.Thanks to all who tried to help
My experience has been that Oki's list just about covers the usual causes. What I discovered that really saved the day was to edit the game.xml to ShowUIWorld="false". This is enough to let the game start, and then you can change the loadout or switch planes to get things back to normal. Once you've debugged the problem just set this back to true. :applause:
Ok just downloaded the US SeaHurricane from Reg's, and apart from the description at Reg's. (it should read "Hawker SeaHurricane MK XII (MK I)", not the PR MK IIc) All works fine, no problems, this one didn't need an XDP change, because it already calls for the AvHistory drop tanks!

I've no idea what your problem is Hurricane 3, BTW this model is the same as the MAW version, it's just been made into a standalone for the ETO, if you have the MAW SeaHurricane installed, along with the MAW weapons and pylons, the US skin will fit it if you rename the dds to match the MAW model!
wasn't this issue solved with recent update at Regs? I had it toowith one of the nightfighter hurries, and it was freexing at startoff since the XDP was looking for MAW fueltanks and pylons or something along those lines..
Think I'll stop while I'am ahead.I've spent three nights now trying to get the U.S.,white Sea Hurri and the Blue PR Hurri to work and I just can't spare anymore time to get these three to work,so thanks for all your suggestions but I think I'll stop here.
Also I know it can't be the weapons file cause the Blue PR Hurri doesn't have any and JXH works fine.Go figure
OK guys ,never let it be said I give up easy.I just finished installing six of REG's Hurris, and they work great.
It was the sound files after all.Don't know how I screwed up the first time,must have picked the wrong plane,but I checked JX-H's sound files against the ones that froze up the sim and found it was aliased to the Spitfire and the other's were aliased to the Merlin XX.
I replaced them all with JX-H's spit sound file and no more freeze ups.
Without you guys giving me the idea I never would have got it.Now I have so many Hurricanes it should be called Combat Hurricane Flight Sim 3.
Thank you all so very much.