whats wrong with the eindekker?



after a few minutes flying one in qc It seems to lose aileron response an wants to side-slip into ground anyone else notice this?

I know I know its wing warper still it just doesn't wanna bank odd.
Hello Pete,

It could be an FM issue with that particular craft - not sure at this stage!

We will look into it thanks!

Hello Pete,

It could be an FM issue with that particular craft - not sure at this stage!

We will look into it thanks!


thanks winder just took one up in campaign mode again it doesnt want to bank very odd indeed im gonna reinstall my satiek x52 pro drivers as i just realized that after sticking in a new cpu an reinstalling OFF my throttle not lit up then again I'm probably playing with straws...On a happier note my new processor ROCKS core 2 duo 3.1 6mb cache sliders set pretty high....and NO STUTTERING!:monkies: YOU GUYS DID A STELLEAR JOB ON THE TERRAIN! S!
oh one more thing in campaign mode 1st mission i warped 3 times then landed 2 mission after second warp we ran into some newy's after a couple of banks I slipped into ground:faint:Ive tried slowing down as I thought it might be too much speed but it just seems to get slower an slower (banking) until i just crash.
Just lost another in campaign mode...well one thing is for certain as it now for me the e3 is a death trap maybe it's me but i doubt it then again maybe its my setup but the saitek x52 pro is a great hotas need more feedback on this i get near a 1000 feet and it's slip in to the ground city:faint:
I've had the same experience with the EIII. On my first flight I turned to attack and never managed to level my wings again. Subsequent flights showed that there seems to be some sort of problem with controlling roll. I had assumed it was just my lack of piloting skills. I feel a bit better knowing someone else has had the same issue.

I like the EIII, I can get a good shot at the pilot from any angle above one in my Bristol Scout!
I had the same problem with the E.III. Any steep bank left or right ends in an irrecoverable death spiral. I started a campaign in Jasta 4 with a month of time in the E.III and it was a rough little tour of duty. I managed to kill one BE2 before I finally spiraled into the ground and took a month long leave in the hospital. By the time I got back I had a Halberstadt to make my name with.
I have also had the same problem with the E-3. It loses a little speed with any bank or turn and then wants to slide into the ground.
I can second -or third or fourth this. I have crashed several times due to loss of aileron control in turns. They were not even particularly sharp turns and I had not been shot yet nor sustained any airframe damage. Your aircraft will just suddenly fail to respond to aileron input (elevators still work) and will eventually crash. There does not seem to be a specific point in the mission where this happens nor does it seem to have anything to do with warping.


Me too, the death spirals, but I thought the FM is pretty right. Turns would have been mostly rudder skids rather than bank with rudder balance. Wing warping did not work too well. This aircraft killed people left right and centre.
It's difficult to fly but I see that as a challenge rather than a problem at the moment.
The E.III feels to me the way an E.III should, but I've never flown one so anybodies guess is as good as mine. I tend to use less banking in my turns and more rudder and it'll go around. Almost keep up with those pesky N.11's too.

Its a bit hit and miss. You can make a few good turns and then, yes, you get locked in a turn and can't roll back level, so you crash.

On the other hand the AI fly the EIII quite well. I had a few dogfights against them and the AI make good turns and roll side to side smartly.
I've had the same trouble with the EIII at times. I don't recall having this problem in P2.
Remember, the E.III doesn't have ailerons. Roll rate and "aileron" (aka wing warping) authority is always going to suck, and basically only serves to keep you level on takeoff or landing. You have to do the bulk of your turning and even rolling with the rudder.

Also recall that the E.III has no dihedral, so is definitely unstable, plus way underpowered. It was regarded at the time as a POS with dangerous flight qualities that was only effective due to its interrupted Spandau, and even then only when in the hands of talented pilots.

Wing warping faded into the dustbin of history so long ago that I doubt anybody has really looked at the potential problems with modern know-how. But I would suspect that once you got the wing twisted, aerodynamic loads might make it hard to straighten it out again. With very little vertical tail area or fuselage cross-section, I can see how this would lead to side-slipping into the ground. This makes me think of how the leading edge slats on Bf109s would sometimes pop out inappropriately during hard turns, resulting in undesired snaprolls.
Remember, the E.III doesn't have ailerons. Roll rate and "aileron" (aka wing warping) authority is always going to suck, and basically only serves to keep you level on takeoff or landing. You have to do the bulk of your turning and even rolling with the rudder.

Also recall that the E.III has no dihedral, so is definitely unstable, plus way underpowered. It was regarded at the time as a POS with dangerous flight qualities that was only effective due to its interrupted Spandau, and even then only when in the hands of talented pilots.

Wing warping faded into the dustbin of history so long ago that I doubt anybody has really looked at the potential problems with modern know-how. But I would suspect that once you got the wing twisted, aerodynamic loads might make it hard to straighten it out again. With very little vertical tail area or fuselage cross-section, I can see how this would lead to side-slipping into the ground. This makes me think of how the leading edge slats on Bf109s would sometimes pop out inappropriately during hard turns, resulting in undesired snaprolls.

I was thinking the same thing when I was hit by the initial death rolls. I was able to compensate pretty well by using the rudder heavily and only doing slight banking on a turn. While this worked, it made the E.III unsuited for anything other than being a pretty well static gun platform, unable to tangle with anything other than a BE2. While I don't think that's tremendously far off from the historical reality, I was under the impression that the E.III was able to perform at least a little better in a turn.
Even with improvement the E.III is most assuredly not going to be a dogfighter if for any other reason than just because it's underpowered. The plane was really only a technical marvel due to that pesky little forward firing machine gun and it was very quickly outclassed by the allied fighters. I'll take my little flimsy Bebe any day of the week.
The EIII is a dawn of aerial combat aircraft complete with bad points. The flexible wings of monoplanes at that early time often had unresponsive roll controls or worse unpredictable controls - then add wing warping into the equation.

Roll rate isn't good, and if you happen to be slow too you will be in trouble. If it is sliding use the rudder to rotate and bring the nose down then you should be able to pull up. Keep altitude and speed before you throw it into a bank.
The EIII is a dawn of aerial combat aircraft complete with bad points. The flexible wings of monoplanes at that early time often had unresponsive roll controls or worse unpredictable controls - then add wing warping into the equation.

Roll rate isn't good, and if you happen to be slow too you will be in trouble. If it is sliding use the rudder to rotate and bring the nose down then you should be able to pull up. Keep altitude and speed before you throw it into a bank.

I have been pondering this however when first coming out of a warp per- say the plane is quite responsive to banking and after that it generally deteriorates over the next few minutes to the point when a fight at or below 1000' also I have augured in at 140+ thereabouts and once this thing gets sideways at certain point yer dead! I have tried everything....but try some more I must This game is the second coming of rb3d and I always started(my campaign) with the EIII:bump:
Ok it's porked just lost another there can be no doubt now.Flew a campaign mission warped to first way point and at second point enemy air however they were pretty far away(white squares) so I could not warp no problem really, as
I followed flight leader and constantly banked my ac to see if it would stop banking...and it didnt...now the strange part is I figured they would fly away but at that part the way point turned towards enemy lines and the whites sqaures begun to get closer eventually they turned red(except for one square that was black!...really was curious to see what that was) flight leader did a split "s" to attack 2400 feet thereabouts I started to try and follow then thought the better of it and did a slow bank.It would'nt have mattered, could'nt even fiinsh slow turn she slipped right in...What can I say this is a real game breaker for me DARN!.I was also really dying to see what the hell that black square was:gossip: cheers.
The earlier aircraft are prone to stall if you go even slightly nose up with insufficient forward speed. Even the Halberstadt will display this tendancy and 'stall tail down'. Try to nose up/nose down to maintain forward speed (rollercoaster fashion) and don't hold a banking manouver (bank, straighten up a little then bank again keeping the nose level or slightly down). Be careful of climbing and banking at the same time to avoid stalling.