Whats your world look like...?


Charter Member
Hi all,
With all the different scenery,landclass,mesh etc that is available for FS9.I was wondering out of idle curiosity what everybodies world looked like.
I have taken a series of shots from Interlaken in Switzerland using,
World Landscapes by Abacus,
Real Enviroment Pro
plus a multitude of freeware scenery enhancements from the net.
I was wondering if some of you would post some pictures of the Interlaken area to see if there are any real differences between the addons.
Please no stock pictures.
If any one else wants to see other places as well they could post pictures that we could compare.

Nice place - are there any freeware scenery upgrades for the airport?

Here's what mine looks like with a freeware mesh and Active Sky...
Hi Tom,
Do a search at Avisim for these files,
I have just found them and am downloading them now.

Here is some from mine. I use TileProxy almost always now, so its all photoreal. I usually use FS9 as it reloads the tiles faster.

Photos in order;
San Diego over Balboa Park, looking west towards Coronado Island.
Nantucket Island (or close to it)
Cape Cod penninsula
Durango Colorado
Northern Phoenix over Deer Valley looking south.

i'm a TP user too (thanks to Lionheart) :jump:

here's what this areas looks like in TP. What a beautiful place to fly!

i'm using TP
Flight Environment
All of FSGenesis Mesh packs
Active Sky Real time weather

Nothing beats photoreal for accuracy, but good textures can go a long way to creating good ambience.
These from Interlaken, stock except for textures:
Ground Environment Pro
Flight Environment

What you see may not be what I see, of course. I wonder how much each user's computer setup influences whether they prefer more colour saturation, crispness etc.
On a CRT I notice much harsher contrast than LCD for instance.
Why I like FS9 better

I tried TP in FSX, no dice. I like FS9 with UT-USA, FSGenesis mesh, GE Pro, Real Environment Pro, so I doubt I'll try TP. I have too much in FS9 to have to uninstall and reinstall it like I did FSX yesterday when TP fubared it.

Below are six screenshots, three from FS9 and three from FSX. Landmarks are pointed out, including my home. Check out how clear the golf clubs and cemetaries show up in FS9 using UT-USA. Where are they in FSX, even though I use YTX-USA and have them active? Check out the false fall textures in FSX versus the more correct early fall textures in FS9. And what the :censored: are those straight line right-of-ways doing in FSX, look like :censored:. Check out the difference they look in FS9, much more correct.

No sirree, FS9 has it hands down even without TP. Not to mention frames rates of 30 fps (where it is set) in all weather compared to 20 fps in FSX.

Wow...My scenery looks like garbage compared to those. I guess I need to invest in some decent scenery upgrades...:banghead:
Awesome screenshots guys...



May I ask what program that is that names the towns and special terrain locations?

More Interlaken (as per the original request).....

Holger's Alps mesh
Trees by "somebody"
FS 1954 by me
More Interlaken (as per the original request).....
Holger's Alps mesh...
I don't fly there too often, but your screenshots are a powerful reminder that a good mesh is worth getting!
Hope we get some more flavours of the Interlaken area from different setups.