What've I missed in the last 13 years (and how to catch up?)


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Hi all, I used to make aircraft for CFS1 and CFS2 way back in the day. After a long absence, I'd like to try and get back into playing these old games. However, I'm just wondering... what essential mods/ etc. have I missed out on over all these years? What are the "must haves" these days? How does one easily get CFS3 and/or CFS2 working on a Windows 8 machine? (or windows 10 in case I ever upgrade). Are there any other worthy WWII (or WWI) flight sims out there that have come out in all this time?

Basically, if you were starting from scratch, what would you do? The simpler and more straightforward the better, as I'm not really looking for spending hours to get the game up and running.

Thanks in advance for all your help!
I would start by reading the sticky threads above. Microsoft dropped all support for CFS3 years ago so you can't get the two updates from them: they're here at SOH. Multiplayer is not supported by MS servers either so the multiplayer crew are at sim-outhouse.net and the way to get CFS3 working online is described in the sticky threads.

There are many add-ons available and the big ones are the expansions: Mediterranean Air War (MAW), European Theatre of Operations (ETO), Rising Sun, and a couple of others including Clive's Battle of Britain in development. Most of the stock aircraft have much better versions available and should you ever consider building anything yourself the tools are here too.

In short, you've come to the right place. Welcome to the madhouse!
Welcome back. This is the place to be for all things CFS3.Be ready to spend some time in learning how to install all the expansions. Other sims i recommend are Il-2 1946-(go to M4T and SAS websites), WOFF-Wings Over Flanders Fields-(need a good computer) and ROF-Rise Of Flight . Both WOFF and ROF are WWI. For CFS3 all the expansions are great. To find out more places to go to for CFS3 check out this link http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/105555-List-of-links-for-CFS3 Let the fun begin !! Regards, Scott