Wheels up permanently


Charter Member
Is there anyway to hack the m3d file to prevent the wheels from coming down, another word keep them up permanently?
my guess would be to use a hex editor like M3Ded and change all the lines with l_gear and r_gear to suttin like l_rear
gear animation in gmax starts at frame 0 with the gears up so it might work.
Try this

Go into the aircraft.cfg and find the contact points section. The first three lines have the landing gear specs.

point.0= 1, -26.739, 0.000, -2.539, 1575, 0, 0.699, 45.000, 0.249, 2.518, 0.700, 10.000, 10.000, 0, 139.9, 157.3
point.1= 1, 3.609, -9.032, -7.808, 2165, 1, 1.900, 0.000, 0.400, 2.502, 0.860, 20.000, 20.000, 2, 139.9, 157.3
point.2= 1, 3.609, 9.032, -7.808, 2165, 2, 1.900, 0.000, 0.400, 2.502, 0.860, 25.000, 25.000, 3, 139.9, 157.3

The red numbers tell the sim the time it takes to extend and retract the gear. Make both zero and you should be ok. If zero does not work, then delete the entries and leave the commas. Easier then hunting around in the model files.
I'm guessing if you put 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 on the extend time the gear would never deploy?
I'm guessing if you put 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 on the extend time the gear would never deploy?

Hi L. I think you missed out a 9 LOL, I tried to rename all refrences to wheels, in one of the m3d jap planes with floats, and no joy, however that does not mean to say it will not work on your project, Keep us posted on this one please.
Jimmy that is precisely why I am doing it to fix those planes you made floats for. If you can get the wheels out of the way you can fix the contact points so it floats properly (I think). Will keep you posted.
I've already tried renaming the gears in the .M3D but they were still down. They looked kinda half animated. Could other part(s) of the M3D be related to the gear but named differently?