When EXCLUDES do not Exclude...


Charter Member
I've had this happen to me a few times: I create an exclude using ExcludeBuilder and check Remove All Objects but some items simply do not go away!

WHAT is at work here? HOW do I defeat it?

- H52
I've used ExcludeBuilder and it works for me just fine . If you would explain how your using
ExcludeBuilder , then maybe we could help .
I came across that while trying to bring Amsterdam back to 1940. Two skyscrapers only dissapeared after disabling Amsterdam. As I've got nothing left where Amsterdam should be, I'' live with the skyscrapers....


Ive had the same problem just recently myself, telegraphe poles mainly, like you, i check'd the Remove All Objects
box but there still there, like Cees, i just lived with them , try lowering your autogen slider slightly, that may shift it.
cheers ian
You sometimes have to go back and do it the 'old' way add a line like

Exclude=N36 14.60,W115 3.33,N36 13.53,W115 2.09,objects

to a scenery area

like this for example
Title=Billund Airport
Exclude=N55 46,E9 7.00,N55 44,E9 12,All

details are in the scenery sdk; and you can add the exclude line to any active scenery area,
they don't have to be related, and you can have more than one exclude line as well.

As this area gets loaded first, I would add it here
Title=Default Scenery

Hope this helps


If autogen is not at max when exclude is made, more objects can appear later. Now and then when something will not exclude I find it's a leftover from an old scenery, exclude builder will only remove default scenery. Another problem with clicking remove all objects is you can no longer add smoke or other animations to the scenery. It's best to check everything except effects. This leads to the next problem if you have Ultimate Terrain, their objects are installed as effects which can lead to trees etc in the middle of your nice clean area. But it can all be worked out with some effort. :ernae:
The Scenery SDK provides a way to write an exclude in XML which can be compiled into a bgl file. I've had success with that a couple of times. You can even be somewhat selective as to what gets excluded.

If something is not getting removed, it's possible that it could be on a layer higher than the exclude.
Fellas, thanks for all the replies; some excellent info. But I have focused on this comment: "exclude builder will only remove default scenery". That is a major clue -- all my exclude problems have been in trying to remove items from add-on scenery.

I was suspecting I'd have to disassemble the add-on's BGL but I know not how to do that.

You are telling me to use the Scenery SDK. Searching for it at MS.com is an endless maze and I cannot find it by Googling, or at the major sim sites. Can anyone provide a link to Scenery SDK? [hopefully it will contain how-to-use instructions!]

I did D/L a utility named bglx120 whose description seems to be what I need, but it comes with no instructions.

- H52
Depending on what the designer used to make the scenery thats causing you a problem, you may be able to open it with runway 12 or instant scenery and delete those parts you don't want. Or if the designer listed his installed objects by catagory you may be able to delete those objects you don't want.
Sorry about that - I should have said BGLComp! :redf: The doc that comes with that includes a sample of how to set up that exclude. You can put more than one rectangle in one xml file and compile as one bgl. I've never tried to exclude addon scenery with it though, so I don't know how well it will suit your need. (I use AFCAD2 tied to FSvia FSUIPC to get the lat's ond lon's for the rectangles.) Here's the link to the SDK:
Motormouse, I'm attempting to follow your example but I can't "get there" from fs2004_sdk_bglcomp2_setup.exe; I'd have to use a decompiler, correct? What do you use?
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Tom, I can use the BGLcomp SDK to compile the XML files once I edit them. Right now I'm stuck not being able to open (decompile) them. I've tried BGLX180 which has a GUI, but I can't get it to generate an XML file. I've also tried BGLanalyze which is DOS-based, but I can't get the DOS window to stay open.

- H52
Success! Sort of...

Thanks Motormouse, but I could not get BGLXML to work for me. However, while searching for info on how to get it working, I stumbled on Scruffy Duck's BGL2XML_GUI_90 and it works like a charm!

The resulting xml file lists objects by Lat. & Long. and despite careful measuring of object position on the FS (using ctrl+S) the results are pretty close to useless, as the FS readout is to 2 decimal places and the xml goes to 13.

So I'm thinking my only hope is to track it down via the Library Object name, an example of which is listed here: {a97baed5-47c6-ddd6-5f04-a7a7dcb24dac} Does anyone recognize what library that comes from? And WHERE do I find the "Library Object name" once I am in the library BMPs?

- H52