Hi all,
This is just a topic to seek for information, or maybe just a rant...
The world of helicopters is quite poor in FSX and P3D. The legendary Dodosim is still the most realistic one available today, and that's just a 206...
And, to this day, we never ever had any serious military helicopters. Most of them are just pretty empty shells, with no military systems inside or anything serious.
Since TacPack SDKs were made available, we finally saw quite a few military jets appearing on the market, some of them being excellent (IRIS A-10, M2M Mirage 2000, and more), but as far as I know, nobody has announced anything regarding helicopters....
I would LOVE to see a good Apache in P3D, with a nice FLIR screen in the VC. Last time I flew a "good" Apache was in Longbow2 from Janes...
Of course, a few years a ago I couldn't resist buying the Virtavia Apache... and there's no need to explain how big the dissappointment was...
So the question is in the title: when will be finally get a serious military helicopter to fly in P3D ? IS there any editor out there who is at least considering the question ?
This is just a topic to seek for information, or maybe just a rant...
The world of helicopters is quite poor in FSX and P3D. The legendary Dodosim is still the most realistic one available today, and that's just a 206...
And, to this day, we never ever had any serious military helicopters. Most of them are just pretty empty shells, with no military systems inside or anything serious.
Since TacPack SDKs were made available, we finally saw quite a few military jets appearing on the market, some of them being excellent (IRIS A-10, M2M Mirage 2000, and more), but as far as I know, nobody has announced anything regarding helicopters....
I would LOVE to see a good Apache in P3D, with a nice FLIR screen in the VC. Last time I flew a "good" Apache was in Longbow2 from Janes...
Of course, a few years a ago I couldn't resist buying the Virtavia Apache... and there's no need to explain how big the dissappointment was...
So the question is in the title: when will be finally get a serious military helicopter to fly in P3D ? IS there any editor out there who is at least considering the question ?