Where are the lights?


It has happened before, but not for a while. The runway lights on some of my installs, I have many, stopped showing up, while they still do on other, but similar installs. Ideas?

The issue that I have run into is the content of the effects file. You need to be sure that there are no duplications of the effects used for the lights. This also goes for any texture files and shader settings. I am sure you have checked this but never hurts to be sure.

The issue that I have run into is the content of the effects file. You need to be sure that there are no duplications of the effects used for the lights. This also goes for any texture files and shader settings. I am sure you have checked this but never hurts to be sure.
I'll check but I wonder why it suddenly happened. I might copy inn the effects from a lit TOW I to the TOW II and see what that does.

Compared with notepad++
TextureMagic, and d3d8. Identical
effects files. Only difference was bullet holes for Steve's Mossie.
TOW I working, TOW II, not!:banghead:
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