Where are we?

Obviously too easy. I didn't want to show the VMFP-3 birds.
Hover your mouse over the pictures.

I'll get you next time.....

Yes, that is a Stinson. It's available from avsim, I believe.

That Stinson is a real gem, it even has smooth gauges, i only changed prop alpha and its ready to go. Thanks to pointing me to it!
looking at those gathered Phantoms i'd have to say MCAS El Toro :icon_lol:

.... is this a new game? :jump:

I have a very close friend who was with VMFP-3 at El Toro back in the late 60's and early 70's. She sent me a lot of photos whilst she was there. I like that scenery a lot too.

Every aircraft you can see is AI - no statics at all.

The F-4s are the old Fernando Martinez 'F-4 for Big E' - for the folding wings. It's been around a while now.....
The F-8s and A-4s are from Michael Pearson.
The RF-4s I didn't show you are Nick Black's.
Can't remember offhand where I got the A-7s.

I'm still hoping for some AI A-6 family.

That Stinson is a real gem, it even has smooth gauges, i only changed prop alpha and its ready to go. Thanks to pointing me to it!

It's a great little flyer, but desperately needs some re-mapping. Unfortunately the doors are mapped at a different scale as the main texture but use the main texture. this causes some severe distortion on the right side as can be seen in the "Marines" lettering.

It's a great little flyer, but desperately needs some re-mapping. Unfortunately the doors are mapped at a different scale as the main texture but use the main texture. this causes some severe distortion on the right side as can be seen in the "Marines" lettering.

Its not perfect, to my crooked model seems a bit out of proportions on some parts, but theres not much alternatives (this and Mr.Lucariny's one) and for such nice price i cant really complain much about. One think i am envy Xplaners is their nice Stinson Sentinel, lol
i'd say Binbrook too... if i recall only Wattisham and Binbrook had QRA sheds for the lightnings.... plus one of those Lightnings has a black spine, makes it an 11 Sqn Bird, 11 Sqn operated from Binbrook... which means the other in that QRA Shedmust be a 5 Sqn Lightning to be correct....:icon_lol: (what? my Grandfather was propulsion tech on Lightnings, they're in my blood)

... Both 5 and 11 Sqn moved to Leconfield for a while while Binbrooks runway was being resurfaced in the early 70's if i recall....

19 Sqn and 92 Sqn stood QRA at Leconfield... and 29 Sqn and 111 Sqn were at Wattisham....

edit while i remember... Wattishams QRA sheds are now used by RAF Search and Rescue with Sea Kings
Binbrook it is/was. Well done, those of you who managed to look past the aircraft.
Drat!! I was hoping you'd be a little bemused, at least.

Never mind, I'll get you with the next one.....
