Where can I get DCC Copley's AI P-38 Lightnings?


Recently I thought I would head over to Dave Copley's site and look for the AI versions of his P-38 Lightnings. It had been ages since I last visited his site......when I got there his site had changed, and was closed, unfortunately. Does anybody know where I could get the AI versions of his P-38s? Thanks.
Thanks Tako_Kichi and Horus, I've got it now. It's on the same homepage that I visited before, but how did you get into the models page? On the home page I cant see click buttons or whatever to access the rest of the website.
Use the above like that Tako_Kichi listed,
Scroll down to "P-38 Triple Play" and click on p38tp21.zip (the AI P-38 Glacier Girl is in there),
Scroll down to "P-38 Pair" and click on p38jai210.zip (thats the AI P-38J).
I tried the links and they worked for me.:salute:

Thanks Tako_Kichi and Horus, I've got it now. It's on the same homepage that I visited before, but how did you get into the models page? On the home page I cant see click buttons or whatever to access the rest of the website.
My bookmark is direct to the 'Models' page and not the home page. ;)