Where can me find...

For any who don't know, the Quarter Moon Salon is a place for civil debate and expressed opinions.

It is not, and will not become a garbage pit where personal attacks and insults are spread around.

If any think you can go there for that - you'll be quickly disappointed and then removed.

Otherwise, :welcome:
What Toast said! It's a great place to discuss opinions but leave the personal attacks at home. (and check your shooting irons at the door) :d
i'm just curious, i've notice several posts with an edited tag line from several years ago....

Craig "CB" Taylor
Last edited by stiz; February 13th, 2007 at 08:53.."

what's so puzzling is it's never by the same person who made the post. what's up with that?:typing:
For any who don't know, the Quarter Moon Salon is a place for civil debate and expressed opinions.

It is not, and will not become a garbage pit where personal attacks and insults are spread around.

If any think you can go there for that - you'll be quickly disappointed and then removed.

Otherwise, :welcome:

Well I guess I shouldn't go there if those who some may point the finger at have no spine and can't take the truth.

i'm just curious, i've notice several posts with an edited tag line from several years ago....

what's so puzzling is it's never by the same person who made the post. what's up with that?:typing:

I seem to recall someone (Ickie?) explaining that they are just artifacts from the emergency forum recovery several months ago. The "thread post" database assigns some sort of number to each post. Another database (or table? - please forgive any misuse of terminology here) tracks edit "attributions." When a new post is created, and it's tracking number matches an edit from the old days, you will see one of those erroneous "edited by..." statements.
If you were active on the board a few years back, you'll also get phantom subscriptions to threads you've never heard of, much less posted in. I get two or three of those every day.:faint: