Where in the workd is "Wozza"?


I climbed into the seat of Warwick Carter's (Wozza) superb P-51D and went up to practice some stalls/slow flight and pattern work and thought to myself... "Haven't heard a word from the bloke in ages". I have several payware Mustangs, including the Wings of Power and WWII Fighters versions and I still fly Wozza's P-51 too. Anyone know whatever became of him? Always thought his P-51D was payware quality.

Yeah... I can't spell either... it should be world... geezz!

Don't forget his Texan, Me163, Mirage III, Tiger moths, Gee-Bee and Wirraway (under the Au-Mav alias).

I have the Mirage III and his Tiger Moth as well. Kinda doubt he would have gone over to the "X" sim, I frequent that forum a lot but rarely post. I don't have near as much for that sim as I do FS9.

Just aside... for any of you who still fly his Mustang, there are 2 re-works recently uploaded at Simviation for that plane, using Jan Visser and John Terrell's superb photo-real skins. The kit is designed for FSX but works just as well in FS9. There... the cat's outta the bag. "FSXp51dpack1" and "FSXp51dpack2"... if you are so inclined.

For Wozza's P-%1D, there are some great photoreal paints by Yago9 (Lucien Lie, wonder where he is nowadays) and Bananbob. All in all I always come back this plane...
He did redo his Gee Bee to FSX native. His last activity here was a few months ago.