Where Oh Where is my Nieuport 17B ?



I've found a whole group of Frenchies, flying the Nieuport 23 . .which I've never seen, the Data is that of the N17, but that's just a typo . . no sweat.

However I'm convinced someone has kidnapped the N17B, I'm expecting a ransome demand any moment.

Does anyone have any clues as to the whereabouts of the N17B ?
Is that - perhaps - the Nieuport 17 (Lewis)? Just a thought; haven't gone into the French planes yet.
This is so great - so much to discover - it will last for years!
I've found a whole group of Frenchies, flying the Nieuport 23 . .which I've never seen, the Data is that of the N17, but that's just a typo . . no sweat.

However I'm convinced someone has kidnapped the N17B, I'm expecting a ransome demand any moment.

Does anyone have any clues as to the whereabouts of the N17B ?

There are no Nieuport 23's, where did you see some typo on it? Maybe Shredward can answer.

You won't see any French N17 bis, they were pretty much all sent over to the Brits, so fly with the British and you will see them.. In BHH they actually are not an exact N17b, but a skin altered one I did to pick up the look of the main differences, the side body fairing stringers. We didn't have time to do a new model for the bis.
The game uses the Nieuport 17 as a stand in for the Nieuport 23. In reality there wasn't that much differance between them anyway, I think the 23 had a slightly higher horse power engine is all. Not trying to be a wise ass gimpy but what is a Nieuport 17B? Are you thinking perhaps of the Nieuport 17 bis? The 17 bis was just the 17 with a rounded fuselage that was made by basicly adding some formers and stringers/longerons to the 17. I believe the rounded fuse was supposed to help with drag, but the performace turned out to be almost identical to the 17.

In Phase 2 ..17B was the N17 equipped with the Top Wing mounted Lewis gun, which swung down for (simulated) reloading.. via.. Shift+C
and the tube sight
So far, we really only have one model, the basic 110hp LeRhone 9J Nie 17C, with two variants - Vickers and Lewis. Our Noop 17 also masquerades as the 17bis, 23, 24, & 27. It would be lovely to have the others, and if Winder or Pol crank out a few more
clones:sheep::sheep::sheep::sheep: of themselves, or if another modeler magically appears bearing gifts, we could have them.
There was a Nie 17B: ten of them were delivered to the RNAS. It was actually an Nie 21, equipped with the 80hp LeRhone 9C - but for some strange reason the RNAS called it a 17B.
The 17bis was the first Brit two-gun fighter; however the only British unit on the Western Front it equipped was Naval Six. It used the 130hp Clerget 9B, and had a deck mounted Vickers and Foster mount Lewis on the upper wing centre section. As Rabu noted, (and skinned), it had a fully faired fuselage (the longerons clearly visible), and the wings were not swept back as on the standard 17C. It turned out to be a bit of a dog - the extra weight of the second gun impaired performance.
The 23 was a later variant of the 17, usually sporting the 120hp LeRhone 9Jb. You would be hard pressed to spot the differences - very slightly different cabane and wheel struts and cowl. The only thing you might notice was that the French version had it's deck Vickers offset a few cms to the right, but of course British machines carried the wing-mount Lewis, so there really were no visual cues to Brit machines.
Nieuports are a world of irregularity. The French especially allowed for a considerable amount of aircraft customization. For example, some Nieuport 24s and 27s had one machine gun, some two (if two, normally a lewis on the wing and a vickers type in front of the cockpit). Their instrumentation also varied-- some pilots preferred more instruments and some preferred fewer, while availability of instruments also changed from time to time. The result is that one Nieuport 24 might have a single vickers gun like a French 17, and the exact same instrumentation. Another 24 might have more instruments and might have two guns, even within the same squadron. The horsepower generally goes up as you move up to each later model of Nieuport. The later ones perform a bit better, but it's not terribly different. The rounded wing tips of the 24 and later series also allowed for a little better high speed control at the expense of low speed "snap" response. The roll rate also improved some. I will say a second gun is a tremendous help if you can get yourself a 24 or a 27 with one.