where;s he uisel in win 7


Charter Member
the old path to the uisel C:\Documents and Settings\MYUSERNAME\Application Data\Microsoft\ seems to have changed in win7....I can't dig it up....inept no doubt but where the devil is it? useful purge when things come apart a bit
I found it in the 'roaming' folder on my mates, can't remember the exact path, it was a few weeks ago when we was trying to find his FSX cfg.

hope that is of some help mate.
:kilroy:Gaw, don't know if it's the same in Windows 7, but in Vista it's C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft. Might be the same in Windows 7.

Hope this helps.:d

thank you....that's it!. There's a "roaming" folder layer now that I'd never seen. Next trick if you please............my stick.....it works when I turn on the computer, tests fine but when I load either CFS3 or OFF the stick goes dead, limp.....the buttons all work but there's no FF or motor tension in the stick at all....and that limp state remains after I close the game....but's back to normal after a restart without a game loaded.....any thoughts all?? thanks
There's a Force Feedback option in the game itself. Maybe that got turned off?

I found that out 2 years ago when my non-FF stick died just before a scheduled
Multi-player mission. Raced out to get a new stick and got a FF version. Flew
half the mission with a limp stick, 'til a wingman mentioned it! HTH.
A number of FF sticks lose feedback in Win7 because the manufacturer hasn't provided drivers for Win7 yet. Microsoft Sidewinder FFB2 does work (surprisingly).
hairyspin is right, many have posted in OFF forum that Saitek FF is absence in win7, but for me Logitec FF runs just fine.