Where to find me163 and zepplin downloads



Hello fans of Combat Flight Simulator: origional version.

I am looking for a compatable Me 163 'Komet' or Zepplin file downloads for CFS. please post an answer if you know of where to find these or if any even exist.
greetings Birmoth,
welcome to the outhouse.
yes, they exist. the closest ones I know of are in my Aircraft folder.
we actually used the Zeppelin in an AAC Multi-Player Mission several months ago. when the Mission was completed, everyone got into one and we had a Zep Furball.
it was like a bunch of guys in "fat suits"...a real hoot.
anyway, I will try to remember where I got them, or, if you like, I could send you copies of mine.
I got my Komet from Joint-Ops,
but they are no more.

MM, where did that Hindenburg come from?
MM, where did that Hindenburg come from?
From Johnny's den, if memory serves me well:kilroy:...

Sorry if I step on anyones' toes :bump:

HERE is a link for a FS98 R-34 at Simviation. You can find a Hindenburg zeppelin as "zeppelin.zip" at FlightSim, also a FS98 version.
how can it possibly be stepping on anyone's toes if you are helping to provide requested information?
you da Man H, thank you!

~S~...Yes..johnny came up with it....we can get it to you Sir if you want it. Just PM one of us and it will be on its way...
...we can get it to you Sir if you want it. Just PM one of us and it will be on its way...

we want $$$ first!
how do you think we pay for all those beers you've been sucking down after the AAC Sunday Missions?

the Zep and the Komet or the beers?

--I was looking for the drunk and stumbled upon this little sweetie--
Final reply

I cannot thank you enough
They were just what I was looking for
heck B, I was thinkin' that we must have ticked you off or somethin'.
haven't seen you for nearly a month.
btw, glad you like them.