Which panel do you use?


Charter Member
2D panel? Virtual cockpit? Mini-panel?

I fly 90% of the time in the VC and the rest of the time in the mini. I'm curious to see what others use and if you still use the 2D panel, why.
Hi Rich,

For my FS2004 sessions I probably use Spot View 50% 2D Panel 40% and VC 10%. I use the 2D Panel because of its superior readability in the majority of cases. Recent add-ons may have excellent VCs, but many earlier add-ons are less developed. VCs have come a long way since the start of FS2004.

Almost 100% VC for me, unless there are controls/switches that can't be reliably accessed via the virtual cockpit. Maybe just a few quick swaps to spot view once airborne...just to admire the view!

The only exceptions to my 'VC only' usage are some excellent planes that don't have VCs, but do have amazing 2D panels....ie: the AFG Caravelles, Fraser McKay's panels for Mike Stone's Fokker F-27s, etc.
This question seems to come up about as regularly as the full moon. Since Mg has already put it in the perfect words to describe my simming, down to the exceptions to the rule aircraft, I'll just say ditto.

What they said...

I almost will not purchase/download an aircraft if it does not have a virtual cockpit.
I am a VC guy (which meant Very Cool when I was younger, but now that I am (gulp) middle age, it means Very Cranky!)

I spend 90 to 95% of my time in VC mode. The rest is spent in Spot mode looking at the plane I am flying, taking in the scenery around me, taking screen shots.

I set up my panels with very usable pop ups so that all those pesky little controls/switches/gauges can be more easily seen with just a key stroke or two.

I won't keep a plane in my hangar if it does not have a VC, unless I am using it as an AI plane. I use the TrackIR system to look around my cockpit, to lean in to look at gauges, to lean sideways to see past the nose of tail draggers....and TrackIR does not work without a VC.

I've been reading about the wonderful looking Privateer on it's way, which I think has a VC.

Glenn Duncan has produced a wonderful model C-87 with a really interesting set of pop-ups along with a more era-correct panel, but this has no VC.

Sometimes I will use Doug Dawson's Skip View gauge to get rid of the blank window for either the 2D or VC views, depending on what I think of the visuals.

I certainly couldn't say I fly only one or the other!

Without these magicians who create these fantastic models for us to fly in the virtual worlds we inhabit on the computer we would be completely lost :guinness: and I generally land well short of the runway whichever view I use :icon_eek: :isadizzy:

Usually 2D for take off and landing unless in tail dragger in which case I cheat and use "W" to remove panel and just have basic instruments with unimpaired view. Once airborne mostly "W" setting regardless of aircraft so that I can better enjoy the scenery. Rarely use VC and could happily live without them altogether but,as you have probably already guessed, I am not a stickler for authenticity in these matters.
I am a VC guy (which meant Very Cool when I was younger, but now that I am (gulp) middle age, it means Very Cranky!)

I spend 90 to 95% of my time in VC mode. The rest is spent in Spot mode looking at the plane I am flying, taking in the scenery around me, taking screen shots.

I set up my panels with very usable pop ups so that all those pesky little controls/switches/gauges can be more easily seen with just a key stroke or two.

I won't keep a plane in my hangar if it does not have a VC, unless I am using it as an AI plane. I use the TrackIR system to look around my cockpit, to lean in to look at gauges, to lean sideways to see past the nose of tail draggers....and TrackIR does not work without a VC.


If you don't mind my asking, what program do you use to add popups to your VC? I'd love to add a couple of gauges to my VC and add popups but have no clue.
Usually 2D for take off and landing unless in tail dragger in which case I cheat and use "W" to remove panel and just have basic instruments with unimpaired view. Once airborne mostly "W" setting regardless of aircraft so that I can better enjoy the scenery. Rarely use VC and could happily live without them altogether but,as you have probably already guessed, I am not a stickler for authenticity in these matters.

This is what I used to do and have been considering going back to flying this way. Hence, this thread. But I've gotten so used to the VC it seems like a step back. I'm not all that particular about authenticity either.
As soon as I bought a fast enough computer, I stopped using 2D panels altogether, and use Dawson's Skip View whenever I can. 75% VC and 25% Spot View.

The only program you really need to add pop-up panels is notepad, which I'm sure you have, as it's part of Windows.

You're not really adding them to the vc per se, they are actually part of the 2d config, you just access them from the vc.

If you've never edited a panel config someone better at communicating thru the keyboard will have to get you started. I'm sure you know the basics if you've ever added a repaint or changed a gauge.
Not much has changed since Nigel's thread except lately I seem to be spending more time in spot view checking out the scenery.

Back in the CFS 1 days, I mainly took off, flew and landed in spot view.

The only program you really need to add pop-up panels is notepad, which I'm sure you have, as it's part of Windows.

You're not really adding them to the vc per se, they are actually part of the 2d config, you just access them from the vc.

If you've never edited a panel config someone better at communicating thru the keyboard will have to get you started. I'm sure you know the basics if you've ever added a repaint or changed a gauge.

Oh, sure, I've edited the panel config. I've even made my own mini-panel. This sounds easy. Where can I find instructions? Can I put a hotspot on the VC panel to click or does it have to be a hotkey?
The only thing you really need to watch out for when adding new popups is the "ident=" line. A random number from 10000 to 19999 should be safe. If you read through the stock aircraft panel files, you'll also see that there are standard titles too. If you're good with editing xml gauges, you can even alter the image of an existing "SimIcon" and edit the code to call up a custom popup, giving you access to the popup via your new panel icon. I've done it once, and if I can do it, just about anyone can. Your best bet is to d/l the Panels SDK and run the installer to an temp folder. Then copy the files to a second folder and uninstall (from the Add/Remove Programs routine) the originals. Read through the main Panels document and pay attention to the [Windowxx] section.

Luckily, MS never has taken down any of their FS9 SDK's:
My panel choice often depends on the aircraft.

I go along with everyone else's comments in that I prefer the VC. The aircraft I enjoy the most are those with a good 2D and VC when its hard to tell the difference between the two, like with Milton's D-18.

Then again there are some aircraft I enjoy that force me to us one or the other. The LaFrance Vampire is one. It doesn't have a VC, but I did find an updated panel and I really like the model. Swingman's Grumman Duck doesn't have a 2D, but has a great VC. In both cases I use Rob's gauges to skip the missing panel.

I seldom use the mini-panel in any aircraft I fly. The exception may be with a new aircraft that has a challenging cockpit view in VC. Eventually I may adjust the eyepoint until I can taxi and land, then I no longer need the mini-panel.

One last comment. I fly with a CH Combatstick and have one button assigned to cycling through the views. My default flight starts with cold start and a spot view at about the 7 o'clock position. For those aircraft that requires gauge loading, I'll cycle through all the views before startup. Most of the time I cycle to the VC.
The only thing you really need to watch out for when adding new popups is the "ident=" line. A random number from 10000 to 19999 should be safe. If you read through the stock aircraft panel files, you'll also see that there are standard titles too. If you're good with editing xml gauges, you can even alter the image of an existing "SimIcon" and edit the code to call up a custom popup, giving you access to the popup via your new panel icon. I've done it once, and if I can do it, just about anyone can. Your best bet is to d/l the Panels SDK and run the installer to an temp folder. Then copy the files to a second folder and uninstall (from the Add/Remove Programs routine) the originals. Read through the main Panels document and pay attention to the [Windowxx] section.

Luckily, MS never has taken down any of their FS9 SDK's:

Got the program. Wow, the manual is 99 pages so it will take me a while. But based on what you said I think it will do what I want.
If you don't mind my asking, what program do you use to add popups to your VC? I'd love to add a couple of gauges to my VC and add popups but have no clue.

I use FS Panel Studio. Amazingly easy way to tweak 2D and VC panels and to add pop up windows.
