Which Squadron was were, and when - here's a map


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
The honour for this find goes to DEJ, who posted it in the thread "Maps".
But I thought, it might be interesting for almost all round here.


Above left, you can coose "display type". Coose: "by Squadron"
Then, click off the Nations (air force signs) you don't want to see.
Now, you choose a Squadron. You will now get a zizagging line, showing you, were the Squad was located and were they moved.
You can go with the cursor over the little crosses (a pity, you can't zoom this map), and it will tell the name of that airfield.

You can, off course, also do it "by date", or "by aerodrome". I just checked Jasta 11, and RFC Squadron 56, and it works great.

Enjoy (thanks again, DEJ)!

PS: don't nail me on a cross though, when P2 or P3 didn't use all of the airfields shown here - they may have had to limit it a bit.
Thanks, Olham. I missed this initially but now it's a bookmark. You're one of the folks whose posts I usually read because I know they will be informative and free of ideological sound bytes. You're a welcome addition to this forum
Hmm . . when I choose the By Squadron selection there are no squadrons to pick.

Check the nationality toggles (buttons with cross or cockade). If no squadrons are available to pick then you've probably turned all nations off (the greyed out effect isn't 100% reliable)

I've also found that there are some discrepancies in the data, e.g. No. 42 Squadron's time in Italy not shown, but it's probably accurate for the greater part.

I can't wholly claim credit either, someone at The Aerodrome found Version 1, which just showed the Jastas, I browsed around the developer's other stuff and came across Version 2
Hmm . . when I choose the By Squadron selection there are no squadrons to pick.

Also you need Firefox for it to Function Properly, you can read all How To's by clicking on Help :help: