• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

Which version

Cees Donker

Tired of the OOM messages regarding FSXI want to switch to Prepar3d. But I'm at a loss: which version should I buy? Which one is most compatible with FSX addons?

P3Dv3 works well with most FSX based additions while P3Dv4 handles many FSX extras which have been upgraded to v4
Examples: Captain Sim Boeings are a bit finicky and won't work in V4 but seem happy in V3. It's worth checking out sites such as Rickoo which have a list of assorted mods covering most sims. Our own library here is worth going through Cees.
The problem with that is that V3 is 32bit like FSX so can suffer from OOM's too although it does seem to be a bit more robust than FSX.
Only way to get past the OOM's totally is to go V4 or higher as their 64bit but you might run into some compatibility issue's with FSX stuff.
I have had almost zero issues with FSX add-ons in P3D v4 and 5.
The only issues I run into are with aircraft that are FSX "compatible" but still use gau files in the panel as these are 32 bit programs.

V4 is a bit closer to FSX in appearance and compatibility.
The guys here have pretty much said what I will. V3 is basically just FSX, but slightly more stable, still has a lot of those FSX issues though, but everything in FSX I think works in it. V4 is probably a happy median I feel. The graphics upgrades for it are notably better than FSX is, plus you can move most FSX aircraft over to it and it still work. Except for the as mentioned 32-bit gauges. They aren't compatible in V4. Plus you can get addons with PBR in V4 and use most of those FSX addons still. V5 and 6 are further from FSX in terms of that, but V4 is super stable compared to FSX. If it's a newer FSX model too, the more likely it is to move over completely. The biggest issue aside from gauges not working in P3D is, if the models don't have a secondary interior model. They tend to not show up in the sim.
I'm quite happy with v 5.4 at present.

Most if not all of my FSX aircraft work and if they don't, there is always ModelConverterX!

Using a 980 TI 6GB at present, which is fine and far better utilized than it ever was with FSX! That said, it can become a bit tight at times as regards running out of VRAM in high detail/many airports in the same area (using ORBX TE UK).

But I can fly far longer with better sim performance than I ever did with FSX!


My take.. while P3D v3 is the most compatible with FSX, it achieves compatability by its nature of being 32 bit.

This means if you are tired of FSX's OOMs you cannot consider P3D v3... as being 32 bit it too will suffer from OOMs just like FSX.

P3D v4.5 is what I would call the most FSX compatible 64 bit sim version (no OOMs), that doesn't mean everything will just work though as you'll find you'll need to download and install P3D x64 bit versions of planes, addons, utilites etc. Fortunately P3D v4 is well supported with addons and indeed many FSX addons will function fine, aircraft included as long as their components are 64bit or are xml based.

For example A2A's excellent series include 64 bit support options as do the Blackbird (Milviz) freebees along with Carenardo and a great many others. Even FSX default aircraft can be migrated over as I have done for the C172, the Otter and the P51.

P3D v5 does have performance improvements over previous P3D releases, however it was released just a bit prior to MSFS and as a result has less support than P3D v4.

P3D v6.1 is the newest and includes a new graphics cloud and atmosphere system, unfortunately it has very little third party support due to most developers now making their money via MSFS.

Personally I've used P3D v3 to see what it offered over FSX - and its offerings are significant but is 32 bit, P3D v4.5 I've used for years as my main sim and P3D v5.3 has moved much over to the GPU as DX 12 and also allows multithreaded splitting over configured cores for improved performance, it also marks a move away from straight out compatibility, but most v4 items will function Ok.

Atm I'm building a 5.3HF2 system and migrating over the various parts to achieve what I had in P3D v4, there are a selection new items I had to purchase like Active Sky and the RXP GTN series among other things, plus I had to write a few improvements to the std v5 shaders and am also using a customised TrueSky cloud configuration.

See this link for a Orbx Gold Coast city scene fly past in P3D v5.3HF2 to get a feel of what sort of performance can be achieved, vid includes the P3d setting used.

I run Win 11 and P3d V6 1 11 most of my fsx freeware aircrafts work very well , hifisim, little Navmap ...
I'm on 5.3 an it's pretty much the best you can have. I went back from 5.4 to 5.3 cause I read LM broke some xml coding when updating to 5.4. So that's a problem for a few addons using these codes, I guess airliners with programmed functions.

In v5 I use tons of FSX, v4 and v5 addons, aircrafts and sceneries. All work well. Some sceneries have default buildings showing through but that's no big problem, fixed easily.

Hardware is also an issue for trouble free simming. Since I have a GPU with 24 GB I have no problems anymore.

Just ask, if you need to know, if a certain addon will work in v5.

I am glad you started this thread Cees as I have been sitting on the fence about making the move to P3D too. I am not interested in MSFS 2020/24 at this point as being on an old age pension the price tag for it and any add-ons is way too rich for me. I am toying with either v4.5 or v5.3 but still not sure which way to go as I have lots of aircraft in FSX I would like to move over (including three LDR aircraft that are 99% finished but never got released!) but realize any meant for FS2004 (or ported over to FSX) would have to stay in my FSX-SE install. I like the idea of 64 bit architecture (I already have several other sims that run in 64 bit and I like how they run) and the graphic improvements in terms of model lighting and shadowing.

I do have a question for P3D users though regarding versions available from the P3D store. Is the version sold in the store (either v4 or v5) the base version (i.e. v1.0) or the latest updated version? In other words if it's the base version do you install that and then add updates to the level you want or is it the last iteration of the version with no way back to a previous version? I only ask as I have read some things about certain versions being better than others or certain updates porking certain functionality. Any input from P3D users is appreciated at this point.
I'm on 5.3 an it's pretty much the best you can have. I went back from 5.4 to 5.3 cause I read LM broke some xml coding when updating to 5.4. So that's a problem for a few addons using these codes, I guess airliners with programmed functions.
Mr Dan , was the broke coding in referenced to this? From a non coders view I would think a moot point. If you are a "deep diver" of intellectual
"critical thinking" of all things P3D then, maybe a relevant point.

I asked around about the reversion process and one user replied:
"Uninstall the 5.4 client only, and then install the 5.3 client. However, the last time I did so I got a stutterfest. I cured it by returning to v5.4."
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You can also download the legacy versions of the main version you buy, e.g. if you buy v5 you can have all 5 versions of this series.
See picture below, my options regarding v5. You can also download individual parts but I recommend to go for one version for all elements, client, scenery, content

Prepar3D Download Options.jpg
Thanks for that info Dan, that is exactly the info I was hoping for. So I take it that if I were to buy either v4 or v5 then when I get to the download section of the store I will see the screenshot you posted above where I can select which version I want (final or legacy).

As they are the same price I now have to decide which way to go given I would like as many FSX aircraft as possible to work (I am talking better quality freeware and payware here). I know a lot of now free, ex-payware stuff, is available for P3D and I got a lot for FSX when the Covid crisis was happening and then when MSFS 2020 came along a lot of developers made old payware stuff free (AH, Milviz, Iris, Virtavia, etc.) so it would be nice if I could get those into P3D.

Hmmm v4 or v5, decisions, decisions???!!! :dizzy: :rolleyes:

Of course, moving to P3D might motivate me to re-compile all the old LDR FSX stuff (and as yet unreleased stuff), maybe! :unsure:

I would need to look for new team members as I lost my dear friend and guru code genius to cancer and would need a texture artist to help finish the final VC textures which is all that is holding up the three unreleased aircraft.
One thing I did notice is the way fx effect files behave differently between 4.5 and 5.4.

As seen here

I've been told by others that LM made changes to the way fx files function in P3D V5.4.
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Re: V4 or V5, it depends on if you want to move over scenery or not.
V5 updated the base scenery such as mesh, airport elevations and a lot of other stuff so converting over scenery from FSX is a lot more hit and miss.
V4 is still basically the old FSX scenery so moving over FSX scenery will be easier than in V5.

With airplanes most FSX ones will work in either as long as all the gauge files are XML based such as those in a .CAB file, if any of the gauges are .DLL's then that's where the 32 v 64 bit difference will crop up.
I went for v4. I'm a AICarriers addict. Most of the FSX-addons seem to work in v4. Some boats don't show up in the sim. Funny that the FSX versions of some boats work better in P3D than ones made for v4?

Fortunately, I have both P3D V4.5 and 5.4 on separate HDs. I just could not afford throwing away the investments ($$$) down the commode.
I use 4.5 when certain sceneries/aircraft will not play well in 5.4 - Most of the time I am in 5.4
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Re: V4 or V5, it depends on if you want to move over scenery or not.
V5 updated the base scenery such as mesh, airport elevations and a lot of other stuff so converting over scenery from FSX is a lot more hit and miss.
V4 is still basically the old FSX scenery so moving over FSX scenery will be easier than in V5.

With airplanes most FSX ones will work in either as long as all the gauge files are XML based such as those in a .CAB file, if any of the gauges are .DLL's then that's where the 32 v 64 bit difference will crop up.
I don't really have that much add-on scenery per se, a few airports made by friends like Falcon409, WND and some of my own and then some area specific ones I added when I was doing hop lists/tours of various regions (like the French altiports or the Hawaiian Islands or the 'Lumberjack' utility that automatically removes tall trees from the ends of runways). My biggest outlay in terms of add-on scenery is in Orbx Global stuff and I believe I can re-download all that stuff again for P3D at no cost.
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