Major Ive confirmed i have the 20 files in the me410 shared folder.
The rear guns do work with them tracking and shooting at enemy aircraft within the limits of the aircraft xdp while im flying which im sure proves all the related gun files are there.
Just to rule it out I did confirm that both the gun and null_gun xdp files are present and loaded (confirmed by the bdps being present), same for the round for the 13mmmg131_gun in the weapons folder, however the me410null_gun has no round listed ie defaultweapon"".
From memory i seem to remember null guns are just there for the turret in this case
I have 4 cockpit m3d files in the 410a (extra one is for the bomb sight position i presume) and 3 in the other 3 410 versions, all of them are named as per the stock naming setup, so shouldnt be a problem there.
The aircraft xdp seats entries look alright to me but if yourself or somebody else could confirm its the same for your version that would be great.
Below is the seats entries from the me410a
<Seat Name="Pilot">
<Station Name="Pilot" Type="pilot_station" View="0" FovUp="26" FovDown="30">
<PadlockLimit AzimuthMin="-110" AzimuthMax="110" ElevationMax="90" ElevationMin="-55"/>
<View Event="HeadStop"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-134" Elevation="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="134" Elevation="0"/>
<GunStation ID="0"/>
<GunStation ID="1"/>
<GunStation ID="2"/>
<GunStation ID="3"/>
<Station Name="Gunsight" Type="pilot_station" View="1" FovUp="20" FovDown="20">
<PadlockLimit AzimuthMin="-110" AzimuthMax="110" ElevationMax="90" ElevationMin="-55"/>
<View Event="HeadStop"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-134" Elevation="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="134" Elevation="0"/>
<GunStation ID="0"/>
<GunStation ID="1"/>
<GunStation ID="2"/>
<GunStation ID="3"/>
<Station Name="Bombsight" Type="bomber_station" View="6" MaxFOV="40"/>
<Seat Name="Gunner">
<Station Name="RIGHT WAIST" Type="gunner_station" View="2">
<GunStation ID="4"/>
<GunStation ID="6"/>
<Station Name="RIGHT UPPER" Type="gunner_station" View="3" FovUp="20" FovDown="15">
<View Event="HeadStop"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-134" Elevation="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="134" Elevation="0"/>
<GunStation ID="4"/>
<GunStation ID="6"/>
<Station Name="LEFT UPPER" Type="gunner_station" View="4" FovUp="20" FovDown="15">
<View Event="HeadStop"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-134" Elevation="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="134" Elevation="0"/>
<GunStation ID="5"/>
<GunStation ID="7"/>
<Station Name="LEFT WAIST" Type="gunner_station" View="5">
<GunStation ID="5"/>
<GunStation ID="7"/>
The bad news is that I reinstalled again with the same result, looks like I will have to fly these birds myself instead of sometimes being a slacker and just sitting in the gunner position.