While you were away...


Charter Member 2011
I hardly missed the Forums at all. :d
Nope, I put the squirrel up on the second monitor so I could watch all the SOH hacking reports, and went off to Japan:


The shots were made at Yamagata in the north, except for the Hiroshima shot of the YS-11 at bottom right.
Lastmentioned reminded me that there can be a lot to learn, if the realism is upped a little in the model. It certainly has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard in FS9. But I'll have to spend a little time with the manual - I notice now it says:
The Ys-11 has an autofeather system ... It is important to note that if you move the joystick's throttle too fast, you may initiate autofeather! See screenshot...

I also had plenty of time to knock down a wall, do some painting, and get out into the garden, which is starting to show signs of our winter ending soonish!
Good to see the forums back, I'd run through my "to-do" list in about a week I reckon...;)
The KBT Orion remains a stunning bit of work.
I had mislaid the update which corrected some minor bits like bomb bay operation etc: the file is p3up_kbt.zip
There is also a torpedo drop effect...I'm trying to remember where that came from?


The YS-11 just happened to be standing in front of some nice lighting :) I haven't figured out the manual yet...
Wing_Z, the torpedo effect for the KBT P3-C and be found at flightsim.com, filename p-3ctorp.zip. I use the effect on my P3-C (CP-140 as it's know in Canada). Hope this what you were looking for :wavey:.
That's the one!
Thanks RL, of course I had all the fx files still loaded, just needed to adjust the aircraft.cfg.
Bombs, erm, torpedos, away!

Great screenies Charl..are those F-15s AI or fancy recorder module work?

While the forum was down I tweked and tweaked my FSX to try and get reasonable FPS and didnt get anywhere really and then thought why the heck am I tweaking this all the time and not flying ..so went back to my FS9 install and tweaked that a bit to allow for my new wide screen monitor and whamo..looks even better...plus with the added bonus of all that great scenery and AI which I would struggle to run in FSX :ernae:
Did I hear a Rolls Royce?

Thanks Paul - the F-15's are the Coral flyables - I hand flew 3 RM tracks (just to see if I could) and have them looping at Yamagata, instead of AI.

I am also long past tweaking and tweaking just to get the sim running.
FS9 runs, and that gives time to have a decent play.

On which topic...
The YS-11 I mentioned above has the most brilliant soundtrack, so I thought I'd share a little Real vs Sim.
Turn the volume up, and put the dog outside ;) (you could even run this fullscreen in HD)


So much for the sim, here's the real deal:
