White caped water textures

Does this really work? And does it work in ETO?

I'm always reluctant to mess with texture files.
Installed and tested in PTO , works well.
MAW , ETo and CFS3 all ok

Thanks Criger

I take a backup of the fxtextures folder before loading.... just in case
You are very welcome, I had collected that file for future needs, as I dont have CFS3 installed currently and was glad to see and be able to respond to your request. Ys, i am interested to hear if it shows up in the rivers too.
Installed and tested in PTO , works well.
MAW , ETo and CFS3 all ok

Thanks Criger

I take a backup of the fxtextures folder before loading.... just in case

:wavey:Works in em all, except Korea. Did'nt see any change. Looks real nice in ETO,PTO MAW and CFS3.