Ive had a look on the fly tampa forums and seen you have made two posts
for the life of me, I cant find the post either, I know there was one because I had similar problems in p3d v3 when i first installed it and it fixed my problem.
but to be honest i havent check it in v4 yet, I will have a look later today when I have some time
From memory it had something to do with FTX global, so that leads me to my next lot of questions
1, do you have ftx global installed?
2, is corfu higher in the scenery order than ftx global?
3, is corfu lc lower than corfu in the order?
4, what other Greek and Italian addons that are higher than corfu in your scenery order?
5, do you have FTX EU landclass installed and is it lower than ftx global and other airport add ons?
6, can you email me your scenery.cfg
another thing i would like you to do is place the stock king air 350 directly above the sea side of the reef and save the flight, call it what you want, then can you email me the saved flight, the files should be located in your documents in the p3dv4 files folder
there will be 2 files xxx.fxml and xxx.wx can you email them to (refer to your PMs for my email address) and I will see if I can re create the same problem
Im sure regardless we can resolve this by trouble shooting, or at least the flytampa guys will in due time
but i have a funny feeling its something simple.