White Trees


Charter Member 2012
I recently managed to download a copy of OFF phase 2 which is an amazing add on (Im sure all of you that have it know!). After a sucessful install I was impressed with the FPS and was enjoying the stutter free game play. After a couple of days playing the game in QC mode just to get a feel for the it I noticed the FPS had dropped. Today when I loaded the game up and played a QC mission this happened. All the trees had turned white and FPS were very low. Anybody know why this might of happened?!
Your graphics card does not have enough memory to handle the settings you've chosen. you need to turn the sliders down or UPGRADE!

check your scenerysheet.dds. You may have a conflict. Look in assets and the terrain folders. And yes, turn down your settings. Where did you get that central powers crate? :d OFF?
Where did you get that central powers crate? :d OFF?

Hi Squiffy, thats the stock Herldestat CII (spelling) that comes with OFF.

Hi Chris, with OFF you can select much lower slider scales as they have been alterd to be several magnitudes higher than stock CFS3. this means when you ppick say 2 your actually looking at teh CFS3 equivilent of 4. it is not recomended to run any but teh aircraft slider on 5 in your OFF install.

I run

regards Rob.