

Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Just uploaded the Whitley's. Your best bet is to install in TOW 1940-42 as this is where I flew the planes so all the files needed are there. If not you'll need my Havoc, Manchester, and Stirling since the combination of these should have any files that you'll need. Any bugs or issues PM me. I might answer.......:a1310:

Please remember that without Mongoose (James), Bravo4(John), MajorMcGee(Andy), SBolt(Steve), this would not have happened. Well maybe it would have but it sure would not be as nice.

Really download TOW, it will be so much more fun if you do.....
Great work Ted. I guess a few new missions are in order! ( Whitley still not available yet as far as I can see)


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 British Aircraft

Description: Armstrong Whitworth Whitely MkV. This file contains the aircraft folder, a shared textures folder and the Clight folder. Add the shared folder to your shared folder in the aircraft folder, and then add the files in the Clight folder to the Clight folder. The plane does not have any LODs so putting a bunch of these up may not be great for slower machines, but in the early part of the war seldom did a squadron of planes fly in formation. The model also uses the landing light add on from Ankor's work so your controller will need this added as well as the proper files. Thank you to Mongoose, Bravo4, MajorMcGee, SBolt, and probably others. I made the flight model to work with full load and gas on grass and solid runways. No load about 65% throttle gets you rolling, full loadup 85% should do the trick. Any issues tough luck ...seriously just PM me.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit TOW_Whitley_Mkv_DMH
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
TOW Whitley KZA


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 British Aircraft

Description: Armstrong Whitworth Whitley MkV KZA. You need DMH plus my Manchester, Stirling, and Havoc for all the goodies to show. TOW 1940-42 should have everything you need. Any issues PM me.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit TOW Whitley KZA
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Great news Ted, I'll get them once I'm able to. It will be nice to have an updated model of them!
A big thank you to all involved in this project, nice one!👍 The amount of hours that goes into this sort of thing is immense, please know that it is greatly appreciated!

Geez I wish I was paid an hourly rate to make these. It is just a real joy to start with a blank screen and with time, effort, and collaboration you fire up the computer one day and there it is. Keeps me off the streets and out of trouble, mostly. :very_drunk:
Something tells me that this guy is going to have some blood circulation problems with his toes sometime soon. :kilroy:

I told him to take off his shoes before he came inside

Well that was a silly oversight.... I'll just wait to see if there are any other mistakes before I update and reload.....
There's also a small triangular hole on the right side of each engine nacelle. Not a big deal but worth looking at if you're making changes anyway.

EDIT - The aileron hinges are oddly see-through from below.

EDIT MkII - Where can the wing bomb bay pylons be found? They're obviously custom built for the Whitley judging by the name but neither aircraft zip has them.
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There's also a small triangular hole on the right side of each engine nacelle. Not a big deal but worth looking at if you're making changes anyway.

EDIT - The aileron hinges are oddly see-through from below.

EDIT MkII - Where can the wing bomb bay pylons be found? They're obviously custom built for the Whitley judging by the name but neither aircraft zip has them.

pylons...opps will upload those shortly. Sometimes you forget that you make these files.
The ailerons, will deal with that.
The holes in the nacelles are puzzling. In gmax there are no issues with the mesh. I will need to see what I can do.

Fixed the boots, poor guys was nearly frost bitten,
Fixed the ailerons, made a couple of polys,
Fixed the missing poly on the nacelles, and
Found the pylon mesh, textured it.

I just can't get the bombsite to work properly though. Still fiddling with this.

Let me know what else is a miss before too long so I can upload the updates.

Oh, forgot who asked about night textures and reflection setting for instrument glass and an issue of being to opaque. All good for me no issues that I can see. I did not use Ted Miller's settings, I altered them a bit.
... Oh, forgot who asked about night textures and reflection setting for instrument glass and an issue of being to opaque. All good for me no issues that I can see. I did not use Ted Miller's settings, I altered them a bit.

I think that was me but I was referring to the materials of my own model, not yours :adoration:. Those are OK. I am not familiar with Ted Miller's material values, so if you are willing to share...