Thanks folks, but not that great an achievement :redf:. Like Gimpy, I am not above some "cheating". I've been playing since P1 and back then I even used the targeting cone. Over the years, more and more of the aids have been turned off. Now, I almost never use labels (only when it is quite a fight and just for a moment to see if it is someone famous), but I do have the TAC on set at 2 miles and only showing airplanes. Since I don't have trackir yet, I set up the hats on my stick to move my eyepoint and I have a button mapped to padlock and another to recenter the view. I will eventually get TrackIR and then stop these as well and be closer to "full real". As for warp, I use it liberally as I don't always have time to fly a full multi-hour mission and I use time acceleration as well when I want to get in just one more flight before I have to stop playing. I have heard talk of setting up an OFF ladder... while I would definitely sign up and adhere to it's standards, I am sure I would remain near the bottom rung for quite a while.
:focus: How about y'all? Whats your best? I need an example to look up to...