Whose the hightest ace on this forum?



Just wondering. I'm sure there's some great pilots out there who are both patient and good marksmen. I never last long enough to make it to ace. I'm just not patient enough and get into trouble. Its unforgiving flying for the fatherland.
It may be unforgiving as you say but darn fun right? I do not know that we have established a "highest ace" on the forum. I think for now we are having too much fun to worry about it. But in time we will probably be bragging about this many kills and that many claimed. I think right now maybe many of us are little humbled and working on becoming Aces. Happy flying to all.
Ok... I'll bite...

This is my best pilot so far. Out of easily fifty pilots, I have only had three survive beyond the seventeen hour mark. As I always start at the lowest rank possible, Kermit's capture was a severe blow to my morale.

View attachment 76059
humbled is very ture.......like tonight when my first American flying Spad Ace gets blown out of the sky by a flak hit......uggghhhh.

Sometimes this sim makes me think of Einstein---"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Ok... I'll bite...

This is my best pilot so far. Out of easily fifty pilots, I have only had three survive beyond the seventeen hour mark. As I always start at the lowest rank possible, Kermit's capture was a severe blow to my morale.

View attachment 76059


salute and tribute to Kermit. A real Ace!
Settings? Warping? Labels? If there's bragging to be done there's a standard. ;)
originally posted by JustMatt- "Whose the hightest ace on this forum?"

If you would've asked me that question 30 years ago, I would have said me, but now I don't know.

Ok... I'll bite...

This is my best pilot so far. Out of easily fifty pilots, I have only had three survive beyond the seventeen hour mark. As I always start at the lowest rank possible, Kermit's capture was a severe blow to my morale.

View attachment 76059

wow! Zommoz...good show!!!!!!
Thanks folks, but not that great an achievement :redf:. Like Gimpy, I am not above some "cheating". I've been playing since P1 and back then I even used the targeting cone. Over the years, more and more of the aids have been turned off. Now, I almost never use labels (only when it is quite a fight and just for a moment to see if it is someone famous), but I do have the TAC on set at 2 miles and only showing airplanes. Since I don't have trackir yet, I set up the hats on my stick to move my eyepoint and I have a button mapped to padlock and another to recenter the view. I will eventually get TrackIR and then stop these as well and be closer to "full real". As for warp, I use it liberally as I don't always have time to fly a full multi-hour mission and I use time acceleration as well when I want to get in just one more flight before I have to stop playing. I have heard talk of setting up an OFF ladder... while I would definitely sign up and adhere to it's standards, I am sure I would remain near the bottom rung for quite a while.

:focus: How about y'all? Whats your best? I need an example to look up to...
An OFF ladder, sounds cool.....I need to start keeping my dead guys around to look at. I'm still on this insane kick of flying Spads for the Americans, so I have been restarting way to often. I started BHAH with a Camel in the 148th and got to over 40 hours/30 some missions and 18 confirmed before I ran full tilt into a DVa.....yeah that was a great moment.

As for me, my name is shunkan and I have a problem, I warp...yes I admit it. Really though I only get a few hours a week to play, so got to get to the action!!!! Everything else I have off, I figure if you could not have it in 1918, can't have it now. Whatever people use or don't use really is of no consequence once the fight takes place. I've been shot down more times by an enemy I never saw.
.....I need to start keeping my dead guys around to look at.

Yeah! My goal with OFF is to start the war at the earliest time possible, depending on my chosen nationality, and survive not just the 17 hours, but all the way through to the armistice. To that end, I've decided that I will keep the dossiers of my all captured pilots (I have nine so far) until I have one survive to the end. Then I will release (retire) my POWs and have a celebration!:woot:
Survive to the armistice...

That might take some work. A lot of high altitude flying and not going into enemy territory.
My best was in an N11 in P2. I managed 60 hours flying time, no warp and was confirmed 40 kills from 60 claims.
I have trackir which helps a lot. I did use the Tac to help order my wingmen about. After all when your flying against the AI they know where you are at all times, even when your hiding in cloud, it's a pc game, it knows what your doing at all time's unlike the real world.

I know someone else in P2 (Catch 22, i think) knotched up 100 hours and something in the 60's or so for kills awarded.

Somehow though i think with this big improvement in P3 those figures will be a lot harder to reach. The ai are better and claims less easily awarded but if your a smart pilot you should still make the hours...just fly like its real.
Now i have rudder pedals as well it is more fun, they get a real work out because those planes back then relied on the rudder more for turning than the planes off WW11.
Guys when posting achievements show the log screenies.

You will note that the Realism settings factor is included for every flight and the current Realism settings factor is also at the top of the Log...

I will conclude and relate the reasons why this has been done and what the aim is in time and once updates are complete.

Oh boy, there's more in store! OBD, the developement that keeps on giving.
You're the man Aussie Pilot

and so it was also Catch 22, with some 96 hours. I got up to 50 some, although the criteria for realism changed along the way. Poor bloke died after putting his DR1 down, flipped it over on it's nose, and burned.

It was perhaps prudent of Siggi to post what could be construed as game settings for comparison of pilots with a standard to be adhered to.


For me, BHaH is so new, that I'd still prefer to look at the wonderful landscape. I'll even enlist in a British Squad, cause I found (testflying WIDOWMAKER's new Camel), that their side, north of Amiens I think it was, is much more beautiful than my flat Flanders. There are gentle hills, beautiful woods with brooks - it's like Hobbitland.

As for the kills - I'll have to do some more, before I could bragg here...